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Фото Getty Images 9-го січня свій день народження святкує принцеса Вельська Кейт Міддлтон. Дружині принца Вільяма виповнилося 43 роки. У офіційному Instagram палацу традиційно опублікували фото іменинниці. Автором допису з привітанням став сам Вільям. «Найнеймовірніша дружино та мати. Сила, яку ти продемонструвала впродовж останнього року, вражає. Джордж, Шарлотта, Луї та я так пишаємося тобою. З […]
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1 week agoNews RoomComments Off on Man, 42, accused of murdering mum-of-two told Gardai ‘I did not kill her’ after body found in Cork home, court hears
A MAN accused of murdering a mum-of-two told gardai “I did not f****ng kill her”, a court heard today.
He was brought before Midleton District Court where evidence of his arrest, charge and caution was given by Detective Sergeant Michael O’Regan.
He is charged that on January 3 last at 31, The Belfry, Bridewell Lane, Mallow he murdered Paula Canty.
Butler, with the same address as Ms Canty, initially made no reply when charged in Mallow Garda Station in the early hours of this morning.
However this evidence from the sergeant was disputed by his lawyer Joseph Cuddigan who said his instructions from his client were that when the charges were put to him he said “not guilty”.
Mr Cuddigan said: “He is adamant he said ‘not guilty’.
He asked Sergeant O’Regan if Butler was taken from a custody cell to be charged and the reply was he was taken to the custody suite, where the single charge was put to him.
Sergeant O’Regan said “He made no reply” and the reply was noted on the charge sheet.
However he said shortly afterwards he was told the defendant wanted a quick word with him, that “he wanted to speak to me”.
When he met him Butler said: “I did not f****ng kill her”.
Mr Cuddigan reminded the Sergeant that he was under notice on this matter and asked if there would be no problems with the preparation of the Book of Evidence being ready within the statutory period of 42 days.
Judge Colm Roberts said he took it that Butler wanted a return for trial in the fastest time possible.
Because he is charged with murder Butler cannot apply for bail in the District Court.
He remanded him in custody to appear before Mallow District Court via video link on January 14.
Judge Roberts said: “My condolences and sympathy go to Ms Canty’s mother and children.”
The body of the 31-year-old, who was originally from Kinsale was found in the kitchen area of her flat in Mallow Town where she had been living for a number of months.
It’s understood the postmortem examination, after which Gardai launched a full murder investigation, showed she had suffered a stab wound.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact Mallow Garda Station on 022 31450, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station. Investigations are ongoing.