At a time when there are over a dozen streaming platforms to choose from, most of which seem to only increase in price year after year, there are still a few free (with ads) options out there. Advertising-based video on-demand platforms like Pluto TV, The Roku Channel, and Tubi are home to a vast array of films and television series, and Tubi is particularly notable for the breadth of its catalog.Owned by the Fox Corporation, Tubi partners with studios like MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount to host a variety of content from the past and present, distinguishing itself from its paid competitors with its extensive collection of older films. You could scroll through Tubi for hours and find titles dating back to the early 1900s, art house and foreign films, award-winning documentaries, campy slashers, and plenty of recognizable favorites, including a few recent blockbusters like Dune: Part 1 and Blue Beetle. With 97 million monthly active users in 2024, Tubi has become one of the best free streamers out there, and taking a trip down the Tubi rabbit hole will introduce you to films you would probably never come across on some of the more popular paid platforms.