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Як впоратися з болем у спині в домашніх умовах

0 Проблеми зі спиною мають величезна кількість людей – вага, вік і любов до ЗОЖ тут часто не відіграють жодної ролі. Експерт X-Fit, фасціальний терапевт, інструктор рухової терапії Антон Шапочка назвав кілька простих і зрозумілих порад, які допоможуть впоратися з болем та дискомфортом. Щодня ми робимо сотні елементарних, доведених до автоматизму рухів. У деяких випадках […]

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Як зберегти свіжий вигляд у дерев’яних дощок: прості правила

Сьогодні розповімо, як можна підтримувати в хорошому стані дерев’яні дошки. Адже, в результаті постійного використання дошки з часом втрачають свою привабливість, тьмяніють, і на них з’являються потертості та подряпини. Зрозуміло, що жодна обробна дошка не служитиме вічно, і рано чи пізно навіть найякісніший екземпляр доведеться замінити. Проте можна відчутно продовжити термін експлуатації дерев’яних дощок, дотримуючись […]

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Дружина Усика у стьобаному міні та чоботах посвітила ногами біля мікробусу (фото)

Дружина боксера Олександра Усика, Катерина наробила стильних фото у міні на тлі авто. На знімках 36-річна Усик попозувала у спідниці та куртці. Реклама:   Мама чотирьох нащадків має ідеальну форму Схоже, Катерина заспойлерила стильний аутфіт на весну Нагадаємо, Олександр та Катерина одружилися у вересні 2009-го.У 2010 році у подружжя народилася донька Ліза.Згодом у боксера народилися […]

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Десантники показали, як наносять удари по позиціях ворога. ВІДЕО

У Десантно-штурмових військах ЗС України, повідомили про те, як 46 оаембр здійснює регулярну дезінсекцію української землі. “Будь-яка схованка чи тимчасове укриття в смузі відповідальності нашої бригади стають для російських окупантів місцем вічного упокою. Малі групи ворога вистежуються аеророзвідкою та безжально знищуються підрозділами Сил безпілотних систем і артилерією. Прибули на точку, встигли вивантажитися, зайняти якісь щілини чи будівлі, […]

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Експерти розповіли, чим корисна сочевиця

Сочевиця – близький родич нуту та зеленого горошку. Як і інші бобові, вона містить велику порцію рослинного білка, що особливо важливо для людей, які дотримуються веганської або вегетаріанської дієти. Нестача білка в раціоні може спричинити ослаблення імунітету, зменшення м’язової маси, порушення здоров’я шкіри, кісток, сполучних тканин та мозку. Незважаючи на високий вміст білка в сочевиці, […]

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Irish Defence Forces should offer loyalty bonuses & follow Canadian military lead amid retention bid, soldier reps claim

IRELAND should follow the Canadian military’s lead and use loyalty bonuses to bolster Defence Forces numbers, it’s claimed.

Reports this week revealed the Canadian military are pushing their government for extra funding for retention bonuses to encourage soldiers to stay in the army.

Mark Keane, PDFORRA President, at the annual conference.
PDFORRA President Mark Keane
President Higgins presenting 1916 Centenary Commemorative Medals to Irish Defence Forces members.
Figures from November show we only have 7,447 troops

The Irish Defence Forces has struggled to retain soldiers in recent years, as private sector companies head-hunt our troops due to the quality of their training and skills.

The established strength of our Defence Forces is supposed to be 9,500, however, figures from November show we only have 7,447 troops.

The last Government committed to boosting the strength of our military to 11,500 personnel by 2028.

In recent years, Defence Minister Micheal Martin has increased pay and conditions for soldiers in a bid to boost recruitment, with the starting salary for a three-star private or able seaman now €40,297.

This has coincided with a boost in applications to join the Defence Forces, however, there continues to be an exodus of soldiers leaving our military to take up well paid positions in the private sector.

PDFORRA, the group that represents rank and file soldiers, today calls on the Irish Defence Forces to follow the lead of the Canadian military and push our government for funding to introduce loyalty bonuses to help keep staff.

President Mark Keane told The Irish Sun: “We have has long advocated for the introduction of retention and recruitment payments similar to those just announced by the Canadian Armed Forces.

“Internationally, other Armed Forces have implemented similar measures to maintain retention levels.

“These measures must go hand in glove with career development, work-life balance, and organisational culture changes.

“PDFORRA will continue to advocate for these measures to address the ongoing challenges facing our members and their families serving with Oglaigh na hEireann.”

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Key Dublin Garda team with over 600 arrests being disbanded amid fears criminals will ‘take advantage’ of void

A KEY garda crime team who have made 600 arrests over the past two years is being disbanded, The Irish Sun has learned.

Officers on the DMR North Burglary Response Unit based in Santry were informed of the news this week and will now be transferred back to ­uniform duties.

Back of a Garda Síochána uniform.
The team have had over 600 arrests
Getty Images - Getty

Sources say that given the vast area the team covers, from Balbriggan right into Clontarf, there are fears criminals who were being targeted by the unit will now work to take advantage of the void left behind.

The unit once had around 20 gardai assigned to it, working around the clock. Despite it falling to ten officers in the past two years, it has had huge successes in bringing criminals before the courts.

Just last year, leading members of a Traveller gang were charged over stolen tools taken in burglaries nationwide.

The unit also played a key role in tackling the mobs who were stealing catalytic converters from imported cars.

A source explained: “It is very frustrating for the gardai involved because they had been doing sterling work.

“They had some great successes, 600 arrests in two years – you wouldn’t get that in any other unit in the country.

“Given how active burglary gangs are in Dublin, there needs to be a proactive response which there has been but it will now fall off with this unit being scrapped.”

Although no reason was given for the disbandment of the unit, sources say it is a consequence of not having enough frontline personnel.

The gardai in the unit had been seconded from stations around north Dublin.

Another source told us: “So when frontline members get into these task force units, senior management are then left struggling to fill the hole left behind.

“So this is a resourcing issue and this is the knock-on effect, this specialised unit is being wound up.

“It hasn’t gone down well at all for those who are affected by the move.”

The Garda Press Office was contacted for comment.

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Sister’s fear ‘something sinister’ has happened to brother last seen in Drogheda 6 weeks ago amid huge €20k reward offer

THE distraught sister of a missing man has offered a huge €20,000 reward for ­information over fears he may have been killed.

Jessica Hanlon, 46, whose brother Anthony, 39, was last seen in the Magdalene Street area of Drogheda around 6.30pm on November 26, believes “something sinister” has happened to her sibling.

Headshot of Jessica Hanlon.
His sister Jessica has offered a huge €20,000 reward for ­information
Photo of Anthony Hanlon.
Jessica met with Gardai on Tuesday to discuss her brother’s case
Collect image through journalist

She told how she offered the reward in the hope that someone can provide information on her younger brother’s whereabouts.

Jessica met with Gardai on Tuesday to discuss her brother’s case.

At the time of his disappearance, Anthony had been staying in homeless accommodation but was set to move into his own place before Christmas.

She told us: “I don’t want my brother to be missing like that poor man Trevor Deely — someone knows where he is.

“I continue to live in hope and pray someone will tell us he’s ok but my genuine fear is that something bad has happened to him.

“My brother had a deep faith and would never have taken his own life even if he was struggling.

“I know in my heart he would have also never put my mother and I through this nightmare.

“It’s far too long for him not to be in contact with us and we are pleading for someone to come ­forward with information — my poor mother is heartbroken.

“We have offered this reward for information in the hope someone can help end this nightmare.”

She continued: “I’m appealing to people who suspect anyone of acting suspicious or out of character to please call the Gardai.


“I’m also urging people to be aware of their surroundings because Drogheda is becoming such a dangerous town.

“We have to keep going until we find out what happened to him.

“Anthony was a sensitive and vulnerable man who didn’t have any enemies.

“His bank account hasn’t been touched since his disappearance and that’s why we fear the worst.


“I have told the guards everything that I have heard about my brother and we just need answers.

“If he was desperate he would have come to us for help but there has been nothing.”

Following his disappearance in November, Gardai searched the River Boyne, walkways and other parts of Drogheda but were unable to find him.

Jessica is currently drawing up plans to distribute leaflets in the Drogheda area.


She said: “I think the answer to my brother’s disappearance lies in the Drogheda area.

“I have been offered great ­support from friends and that’s why we will be doing something with leaflets and posters.

“I have no doubt that there are people who know what happened and we just want them to tell us one way or the other.”

Gardai have classified the case as a “missing persons” probe and have urged anyone with information to come forward.

Anthony is described as being 5ft 5 and of slim build, with balding auburn hair and blue eyes.

It is not known what he was wearing when he was last seen.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Garda on 041 987 4200.

A man sits on the floor with a dog, offering a fist bump.
Anthony Hanlon was last seen in the Magdalene Street area of Drogheda around 6.30pm on November 26
Collect image through journalist

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‘It improves depression and anxiety’ – 40 Day Health Challenge coach Dr Eddie Murphy reveals power of gratitude

40 Day Health Challenge coach Eddie Murphy has shared his top five tips for battling depression and anxiety with gratitude.

The makers of TV show Operation Transformation have teamed up with The Irish Sun and The Classic Hits Radio for a new health series to kick off 2025.

40 DAY CHALLENGE , SATURDAY 23.11.24  GW  - 23/11/2024 40 Day Challenge 98fm host Colm Hayes
The 40 Day Challenge is underway
Garrett White
40 Day Health Challenge pictured Dr Eddie Murphy
Dr Eddie Murphy explained why gratitude is important
Paul Sharp
40 Day Challenge studio day.Pic shows Jeannette,Gary and Dara at the studio.Pic Gary Ashe.8/12/2024
Dr Murphy is encouraging all to practice gratitude

Dr Eddie explained how gratitude is “all about attitude”.

He said: “There is a huge amount of evidence-based research that shows that being grateful has an impact on our emotional wellbeing and connection with others.

“Being grateful allows us to switch our focus from looking at the negative in the world to being grateful for the things we have – whether that’s the food we eat or the people we share our lives with.”

Dr Murphy is reminding the nation that “gratitude matters” and everyone needs to practice it.

He explained: “It enhances our mental wellbeing. It actually improves the whole area of depression, anxiety.

“For some people, when we practice gratitude, it enhances our resilience. It boosts our resilience. This is the evidence base for gratitude.

“It improves our relationships with others. It boosts our self-esteem, makes us feel better about ourselves, and finally, it promotes and boosts our overall wellbeing.”

The psychologist revealed five reasons why gratitude matters.


One of the first steps in finding gratitude is to take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you.

Dr Murphy said: “Ask yourself what makes you feel alive, what your values are, and what you would like to achieve in life?

“You’ll notice that you already have some, if not a lot, of these in your life already.

“Give thanks to those things that you have in your life already.”


Once you have a better understanding of what drives you, it is important to develop a positive mind-set and attitude.

Dr Murphy explained: “A positive outlook can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals and can also help you to overcome challenges and setbacks along the way.

“It is also important to cultivate meaningful relationships with others, as these relationships can provide support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

“Being grateful for the people in your life will boost and enhance your relationships.”


Taking care of yourself is crucial for your well-being.

Dr Murphy said: “Practicing self-care and self-compassion can also be helpful, as taking care of oneself can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

“Introduce gratitude into your daily self-care routine.”


YOU can watch this week’s four episodes where the challengers meet our top coaches by heading to

Two episodes will be released per week with one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.

Readers can also follow all the action and get the latest updates, meal plans, exercises and mental health tips from and Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio ­during the 40 days.


The UCD professor told how living with integrity and aligning your actions with your values is an important aspect of finding purpose and fulfilment.

He said: “It is important to act in accordance with what is important to you, and to live in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs.

“This can help to bring a sense of meaning and fulfilment to life and can also help to build a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth.


  1. It enhances our mental wellbeing
  2. It enhances and boosts our resilience.
  3. It improves our relationships with others.
  4. It boosts our self esteem and makes us feel better about ourselves.
  5. It promotes and boosts our overall wellbeing

“Expressing gratitude to others will help boost these feelings.”


Creating memories and making the most of life experiences are also important aspects of leading a fulfilling life.

Dr Murphy said: “Memories are the building blocks of our personal history, and they shape who we are as individuals.

“They are the stories that we tell about our lives, and they can bring us great joy and comfort as we look back on the good times.

“Life experiences, on the other hand, provide opportunities to learn, grow, and make meaningful connections with others.”


Serves two (each serving contains approximately 511 kcal)

100g wholewheat pasta, such as fusilli or penne
1 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil (15g)
2 salmon fillets (125g each)*
100g cherry tomatoes
50g baby spinach leaves
25g rinsed capers
1 tbsp freshly grated Parmesan cheese (15g)

*Suitable vegetarian alternatives for salmon are:
345g tofu
535g mycoprotein such as Quorn vegan pieces
435g chickpeas, drained and rinsed


Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water for 10-12 minutes or according to packet instructions until just tender. Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the oil and then add the salmon and cook for 5-6 minutes, skin side down.

Chop the cherry tomatoes and add to the salmon, then sauté for another 2 minutes. Remove the frying pan from the heat and flake the salmon fillets into small pieces with a fork.

Drain the pasta and add to the fish mixture with the spinach and capers. Fold everything together until evenly combined. Divide the salmon pasta between bowls and scatter over the Parmesan to serve.

Dietitian Sophie Pratt said: “Salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids which promote heart health.”

40 Day Health Challenge pictured  
Karl Henry, Sophie Pratt, Sumi Dunne, Dr Eddie Murphy
The experts Karl Henry, Sophie Pratt, Sumi Dunne, Dr Eddie Murphy are guiding 16 recruits
Paul Sharp
first episodes for grabs. We're leading with emotional Sheena on Monday in episode 2 at around 7 mins 40 Day Health Challenge - The Irish Sun
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40 Day Health Challenge

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