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Jobe Bellingham to reject Arsenal and Man Utd transfer interest but looks set to join top European club in summer

JOBE BELLINGHAM looks set to stay at Sunderland this month — despite interest from Arsenal and Manchester United.

The brother of Real Madrid star Jude Bellingham has been a revelation in the north-east since joining from Birmingham for a bargain £1.5million in 2023.

Jobe Bellingham of Sunderland applauding fans.
Jobe Bellingham is attracting interest from clubs around Europe[/caption]

Crystal Palace are also interested in the midfielder, along with Jude’s former club Dortmund.

Although 19-year-old Jobe could cost up to £20m, Sunderland are determined to keep hold of their biggest asset as they look to maintain their Premier League promotion bid.

England star Jude joined Dortmund from Birmingham in a £30m deal in 2020.

And despite the major interest from English clubs in Jobe, it looks as though he could follow the same path as his sibling and look to join a top European club to play more games at a higher level.

During the summer, Jobe signed a new deal at Sunderland keeping him tied at the club until 2028, with Tottenham another club who were interested.

Sunderland want to sign Roma midfielder Enzo Le Fee to boost their promotion bid.

Le Fee, 24, played for Black Cats boss Regis Le Bris at first club Lorient.

He signed for Roma in a £19million from Rennes in July but has made just ten appearances.



Sunderland are in talks over an initial loan but Real Betis and Sevilla are also keen.

He could prove a big boost with Sunderland fourth in the Championship, two points off the autos spots.

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Labour MPs voting against rape gang inquiry is shameless – what are they trying to hide?

THE Labour government has just whipped its MPs to vote against a proper national inquiry into the rape-gang scandal.

That shameful vote exposed their lacking of both a backbone and anything resembling a moral compass.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer speaking at the Liaison Committee.
Labour has just whipped its MPs to vote against a proper national inquiry into the rape-gang scandal[/caption]
Young woman waiting at night by the side of a road.
Victims and their families have spoken out in recent days about how they need a proper national inquiry to get to the truth (stock)[/caption]
Mugshot of Qari Abdul Rauf, deported for sex offenses.
Ringleader Abdul Rauf Rauf was jailed in 2012[/caption]

The reason this whole sickening episode went on so long was that people in authority covered it up and brushed it under the carpet.

Now the Labour government risks doing exactly the same thing.

For years, people said it was “racist” or “Islamophobic” to point out the vast majority of the evil perpetrators were of British Pakistani background.

Starmer continued in that vein earlier this week by smearing as “far right” those who seek to defend the victims of these sick gangs and raise this issue.

It was exactly that kind of language that led to all this being covered up in the first place.

When I pointed this out in Parliament on Monday, many Labour MPs opposite booed me.

The mother of a young girl who committed suicide after being groomed and raped said she was “completely disgusted” by their behaviour when she saw the footage.

You can understand why. Girls as young as 11 or 12 were systematically raped by organised gangs for years.

Some of those in authority did nothing — or even actively covered it up.

Local councils, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service all failed the young victims over years.

We have heard from former Labour MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk, that the then-chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party told him to keep the allegations quiet to avoid losing Muslim votes.

Labour should hang their head in shame and apologise. They won’t, of course.

So now we need to get to the truth and end the cover-ups and conspiracy of silence.

Only a tiny fraction of the 50 towns identified as having been affected have been investigated so far.

The most recent Jay report — Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse — only examined six towns, and there have only been a handful of individual town inquiries.

Most affected towns, such as Keighley, have been left out of the inquiries entirely, with victims and their families still waiting for the answers they deserve.

Labour claim local inquiries are the answer. But these won’t cover every town affected and, anyway, amount to marking their own homework.

There are thousands of young girls who suffered unimaginable trauma

Chris Philp

And even where there are local inquiries, they don’t have the legal power to summon witnesses, take evidence under oath or requisition evidence.

As recently as last summer, the chairs of the Manchester local inquiry are reported to have resigned because public bodies were still withholding critical information – and the local Manchester inquiry lacked the power to compel disclosure.

A proper national, public inquiry would have the legal power to compel witnesses to attend and given evidence under oath, and get access to key documents.

A national public inquiry could be focused and limited to a short time.

We don’t want a lawyers’ fee fest, we need the truth fast.

It is totally wrong that not a single person in a position of authority has ever been held to account for the cover-ups and the gross negligence we have seen.

There is a relevant criminal offence here — misconduct in public office.

I would like to see those in authority found to have covered up these crimes or negligently ignored them prosecuted for misconduct in public office.

Of course, in the meantime recommendations from previous inquiries like IICSA can be implemented and more perpetrators arrested.

The last Government took action, setting up a grooming gangs taskforce which arrested 550 suspects in its first year alone.

I would also like to see the sick perverts responsible kicked out of the UK where they have dual nationality or the right to citizenship in another country.

If another country won’t take their citizens back, we can use visa sanctions to make them change their mind — a power created by the last Conservative government in the Nationality and Borders Act.

There are thousands of young girls who suffered unimaginable trauma. Trauma they must live with while the justice, truth and accountability they seek remain out of reach.

This is ultimately about the victims and their families. And they have spoken out in recent days about how they need a proper national inquiry to get to the truth.

What exactly is Labour trying to hide by ignoring the desperate pleas from the victims and their families?

Chris Philip, Shadow Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, at the BBC.
Labour should hang their head in shame and apologise, says Chris Philp[/caption]


Watch today: Never Mind the Ballots on the rape gang scandal at and youtube

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Найкорисніший інгредієнт для салату

Будь-який фахівець з харчування скаже вам, що зелень повинна бути у здоровому раціоні. Вона надзвичайно багата на вітаміни, мінерали, клітковину, які так необхідні для правильної роботи організму людини. Однак не вся зелень корисна однаково. Абсолютним рекордсменом по праву вважається шпинат: його листя містить величезну кількість поживних речовин, яких не знайдете в іншому продукті. Про те, […]

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Які знаки зодіаку досягнуть успіху у 2022 році

0 Яким знакам зодіаку наступаючий 2022 рік Тигра принесе успіх і удачу, кому пощастить у коханні, а для кого смугастий хижак приберіг несподівані повороти долі. Блакитний тигр Символом нового 2022 року стане блакитний водяний Тигр. Як зазначають астрологи, цей рік є сприятливим для тих, хто давно хоче змін. Саме у 2022 році – найбільш вдалий […]

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5 предметів, які не можна чистити лимоном: щоб не зіпсувати речі та уникнути проблем

Лимон – це незамінний помічник у домі, але навіть його можливості мають свої обмеження. Перш ніж використовувати цей натуральний засіб, переконайтеся, що він не завдасть шкоди вашим улюбленим речам. Лимон завжди був і залишається улюбленцем серед засобів для очищення. Його кислий сік чудово видаляє жир, дезінфікує поверхні та надає приємного свіжого аромату. Здавалося б, цей […]

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Дружина Віктора Павліка в ошатній сукні попозувала для атмосферних кадрів із 3-річним сином (фото)

Дружина співака Віктора Павліка, блогерка Катерина Репяхова вирішила увічнити спогад про цьогорічні зимові свята черговою фотосесією з 3-річним сином Михайлом. «Тримай мою руку, поки ти маленький, а моє серце — завжди…», — адресувала Катя щемливі слова своєму первістку, поділившись фото в Instagram. Катерина та Михайло попозували в оточенні різдвяно-новорічного декору У Віктора Павліка також є […]

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Ці препарати допоможуть у боротьби з фітофторою та врятують ваші посадки

Фітофтора є інфекційним захворюванням рослин. З нею дуже важко боротися, бо вона моментально розповсюджується. Якщо вчасно не помітити та нічого не робити, можна попрощатися з можливістю отримати врожай. Народні засоби боротьби не завжди виявляються дієвими. Мова йде про використання сироватки. Тому пропонуємо вам занотувати перелік засобів, які варто мати в садівничій аптечці. Вони допоможуть врятувати […]

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Legal Battle Brewing Over Gray Wolf Protections Sparks Controversy

On January 7, the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation received “not-warranted” findings from the Biden administration regarding two Endangered Species Act petitions. These petitions requested the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to delist gray wolves in the Western Great Lakes and downlist West Coast wolves to […]

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