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Aptera представила новий електромобіль на сонячних батареях

У ході CES 2025 компанія Aptera, яка пройшла процедуру банкрутства, відродилася та представила свій новий електромобіль на сонячній енергії, який планують запустити у серійне виробництво. Стартап отримав фінансування від легендарної італійської компанії з проєктування автомобілів Pininfarina. Розробники заявили, що це «надефективний» триколісний електромобіль, який частково працює від вбудованих сонячних панелей. Хоча Aptera і не розкрила […]

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Як зробити отвір у стіні, не пошкодивши шпалери

Ті, хто живуть у зйомній квартирі, точно знають – часом так хочеться прикрасити своє тимчасове житло, але власник оселі не дозволяє робити отвори у стіні. Що робити в такому разі? Хтось живе у зйомній квартирі, а хтось має власне житло. Хай там як, але проблеми у кожного різні. У випадку з приватною нерухомістю часто виникає […]

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Travel chaos as ‘significant delays’ to Irish Rail services as passenger ‘removed’ from train for anti-social behaviour

A MAJOR incident at an Irish rail station is set to cause “significant delays” for commuters this evening.

Multiple armed Garda units responded to the scene at Connolly Station in Dublin tonight as a passenger was removed from a train.

Gardai told commuters to leave the station and nobody was allowed to enter for at time earlier this evening.

A number of squad cars were present at the scene, with a heavy Garda presence around the station.

Services have now resumed, however Irish Rail has warned of heavy delays of up to around 50 minutes due to the incident and due to the train being held at the station due to the gardai’s request.

Irish Rail posted on X earlier: “15.05 Sligo/Connolly is being held at Connolly as Gardai are attending a report of anti-social behaviour.

“Services in & out of Connolly remain suspended upon request of the Gardai.

“Significant delays through Connolly can be expected as a result.”

Later, it added: “Update: Gardai have removed the passenger at Connolly.

“Services are expected to resume through Connolly shortly, with the exception of platform 5.

“Significant delays can be expected as a result.”

It later added: “Update: Services have resumed through Connolly, except platform 5.


“Delays of up to +50mins can be expected through Connolly as a result.

“Delays expected to ease over time as we regulate services back to schedule. Service alterations may occur.”

It later said the delayed 18.33 Connolly/Wexford service will be combined with the 20.08 Connolly/Gorey train. Passengers will then go on bus transfers from Gorey to Wexford to complete their journey.

Irish Rail added: “The 15.05 Sligo/Connolly has been detained upon request of gardai.”


Gardai said in a statement to the Irish Sun: “In the past hour, Gardaí have responded to an incident that occurred onboard an Irish Rail commuter service arriving at Connolly Station, Dublin.

“While we remain at the scene, there are no public safety issues at this time.

“There is no additional information available at this time.”

Policeman, Garda, Ireland
Multiple armed Garda units responded to the scene at Connolly Station in Dublin

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