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Strictly tour in chaos as Wynne Evans is forced to pull out after enduring painful injury

THE Strictly Come Dancing tour is on the cusp of chaos after one of the celebrity dancers suffered a painful injury and was forced to PULL OUT.

Wynne Evans has placed the show’s much-loved tour in jeopardy after enduring a painful injury, which has in turn caused him to pull out of tonight’s tour show.

Bruised and swollen ankle.
Wynne Evans endured a painful injury
Wynne Evans in a lavender suit, ready to dance.
The opera singer is currently on the Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour[/caption]
Janette Manrara and Aljaz Skorjanec at the Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour photocall.
The Mega Agency
Katya Jones revealed today that Wynne’s ankle needs to heal a little more before he’s back out on the floor[/caption]

The Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour is currently in Glasgow, with two performances due to take place today – one at 2:30pm and another at 7:30pm – with Wynne having pulled out from both last minute.

Not only is Wynne’s injury placing the show in jeopardy, but because of the current weather warnings in place up and down the country, one show was even cancelled.

Taking to his Instagram stories on Friday, Wynne, 52, shared a snap of his foot and wrote: “Turned my ankle last night in the show but I’m being a brave soldier.”

He then offered an update earlier today (January 25), sharing a snap of his bruised ankle and writing a short caption.

“Ankle update,” Wynne announced, adding, “It just turned on stage in Newcastle.

“Sore but swelling is coming out so feeling positive.”

But despite him feeling positive, Wynne’s dance partner Katya Jones had to issue a statement revealing that they would not be dancing today.

“So sorry we can’t dance for you today. But we need a bit of time to heal that ankle,” she penned.


“Hopefully he’s dancing again by Nottingham, it’s still over a week away so there’s time,” said one person on X, reacting to the news.

While another said: “Glasgow got lucky.”

This follows on from the cancellation of Friday’s show in Glasgow due to severe weather and the current red weather warning in place across the country.

Strictly judge Craig Revel Horwood informed fans that Friday night’s show would be rescheduled for Sunday due to the adverse weather conditions.

Taking to social media, he wrote: “Sadly, due to the red weather warning in place tomorrow, the Friday evening performance of Strictly Come Dancing The Live Tour will be rescheduled to Sunday evening, 26 January.


“Doors will open at 17.30 and the performance will start at 18.30.”

All your Strictly Come Dancing winners

Strictly first kicked off back in 2004, and over the years has crowned 21 winners.

Here is a full list of who has been lucky enough to win the famous Glitterball Trophy:

He went on: “Original tickets remain valid for this show. If guests are unable to attend, they should contact their point of purchase for a refund.

“We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”

Wynne was partnered with Katya when he competed in the most recent series of the hit dancing show.


It was during the Blackpool episode that the Welsh opera singer lost his place on the show.

Wynne and Katya were up against former X Factor winner Shayne Ward and his pro dancer Nancy Xu.

When the pair were eliminated from the show, fans were quick to react.

At the time, one person said: “Right decision but I’m sad to see Wynne and Katya go. Katya’s my fave pro and Wynne seems like a lovely man.

“I wish people wouldn’t say ‘thank god for that’ and ‘it’s about time’, Wynne’s deserved his place in the competition as much as everyone else. I’ll miss him.”

A man and woman in dance attire pose together.
The Mega Agency
Wynne is partnered with Katya on the tour, the same dancer he was paired with on the show last year[/caption]
Tess Daly, Katya Jones, and Wynne Evans on the results show of Strictly Come Dancing.
Wynne and Katya were booted off of the show during Blackpool week[/caption]
Katya Jones and Wynne Evans dancing on Strictly Come Dancing.
Fans are gutted that Wynne has had to pull out of tonight’s performance at the live tour[/caption]

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BBC star John Hunt ‘is the very best of men’ who ‘lived for his family’ before wife & daughters were killed, pals reveal

BBC star John Hunt has been described by pals as “the very best of men” who “lived for his family” before his wife and daughters were killed in a crossbow attack.

Carol Hunt, 61, Louise, 25, and Hannah, 28, were found dead at the family home in Bushey, Hertfordshire, in July last year.

A laughing couple outdoors.
John Hunt pictured with his wife Carol who was found dead[/caption]
Two sports commentators at a racetrack.
Hunt working as a BBC racing commentator
Headshot of a man in a suit.
Kyle Clifford pleaded guilty to murder[/caption]

Louise’s ex Kyle Clifford was arrested following a manhunt but was unable to be interviewed while he was treated for an injury in hospital.

Crossbow killer Clifford appeared at Cambridge Crown Court earlier this week where he dramatically changed his plea on three counts of murder to guilty.

Following the deaths, Mr Hunt said the devastation he and his surviving daughter Amy feel “cannot be put into words”.

But the brave racing commentator returned to work just 60 days after the horrific deaths of his family.

Mr Hunt, who was not in court on Wednesday, had been commentating on the big race at Ascot on Saturday.

He is expected to be working again for BBC Radio 5 Live this weekend.

A colleague told MailOnline: “Perhaps returning to work so soon was his way of dealing with the trauma.

“All of us in racing were heartbroken. He is a fine broadcaster but the thing that struck us was how devoted he was as a family man.

“He talked of them all a great deal.”

Another friend said that John has clearly found some comfort in working again.

However, he is said to now keep to himself more following the tragedy.

“I saw him walking across the course alone recently. I fully understand why,” a colleague said.

Clifford also admitted false imprisonment after tying Louise up and two counts of possession of offensive weapons.

But the murderer denied raping Louise on July 9 – the same day the family were killed – and will stand trial for that count on March 3.

Clifford dropped out of the Army after two years, according to a former colleague.

They claimed the killer never fitted in at the Queen’s Dragoons after joining in 2019.

It was also claimed Clifford had failed phase one training at ATC Pirbright in Brookwood, Surrey.

His former colleague said: “Kyle didn’t change throughout service. People got so frustrated with him.

“Everyone had to pick up the slack. He wasn’t a good soldier.”

One of three children, Clifford’s older brother Bradley, 30, is serving a life sentence for the murder of a young moped rider who smashed a bottle against his car during a row in 2017.

He was given a minimum 23-year tariff after ramming his 18-year-old victim at 60mph with his Ford Mustang before beating him as he lay fatally injured.

Woman in orange shirt sitting at a table.
Clifford is accused of killing ex Louise Hunt with a crossbow[/caption]
Portrait of a woman with long brown hair.
Louise’s sister Hannah was also killed in the horror[/caption]
John Hunt, BBC racing commentator, in a commentary booth.
Hunt returned to work just 60 days after the horrific deaths

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ЗСУ зупинили зухвалу атаку ворожого БТРа (ВІДЕО)

Єгері з 68-ї бригади ім. Довбуша відбили зухвалу атаку російського БТРа з десантом. Відео бойового зіткнення оприлюднено 23.01.2025 на офіційному каналі бригади. Бронемашина з піхотинцями всередині та на броні на великій швидкості їхала в бік українських позицій. Проти неї було задіяно артилерію та “пташки”, які по черзі знищували окупантів. Зупинити БТР вдалося за допомогою міни, […]

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Як приготувати смачний салат із рибних консервів

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Український бронеавтомобіль витримав наїзд на міну

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