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I lived in a home riddled with black mould – it made my neck and face BURN, I was exhausted and could barely breathe

IT’S no secret that living in a space with mould can be damaging for your health, but one woman discovered just how bad it could get after she discovered the extent of black mould in her home.

Autumn Clayman, who is an holistic health coach, recently revealed some of the symptoms she experienced, including burning skin and extreme fatigue, much to some people’s shock.

Woman describing five black mold symptoms she experienced.
Autumn experienced severe symptoms after living with black mould
Close-up of a person's neck and face showing red marks.
Her skin flared up as a result of the mould, she claimed
Mold growth on a wall near a window.
Black mould can cause a range of symptoms if it’s found in your home[/caption]

Autumn explained that she first knew something was wrong when she experienced a burning sensation all over her skin, but especially around her face and neck.

In the viral video she then showed a photo of her neck covered in red splotches.

“I would walk into my apartment and my neck and face would burn,” she noted, as she explained that the burning continued to get worse with the more time she spent in the space.

Not only that, but Autumn said she had an eczema flare-up, which started out as small bumps but soon developed into larger clusters as it spread over her arms, legs and neck.

The presence of black mould in her home also led to heightened allergies and congestion, Autumn claimed.

She explained that she was “feeling congested more than ever” and she “couldn’t breathe most of the time.”

Not only that, but she also experienced extreme fatigue and “burning, itchy eyes” because of the black mould.

Autumn explained in the video that she always felt tired, no matter how much she actually slept.

But the main issue with the mould in her home was that it wasn’t always visible, which made banishing it a chore.

She even ended up spending “a ton of money” in a bid to get rid of it.

“I have never experienced health issues like this before,” she said, before explaining that her symptoms “healed rapidly” after leaving her flat.

After sharing her experience online others were shocked by the extent of her symptoms.

One said: “I had no idea it could be this bad, glad you’re doing better.”

And a second wrote: “I had the same problem, landlord knew and didn’t care.”

Someone else had a similar issue: “I felt so ill because of black mould, kept telling my landlord and he did nothing about it.”


INCREASE AIR: Kitchens and bathrooms are often where mould crops up due to the high levels of moisture in these rooms.

Even in colder temperatures, try to open windows a little when cooking or showering to allow water vapour to escape.

Wipe condensation from windows or walls to help stop the fungus from forming.

MAKE SPACE: Mould builds up where air flow is restricted, such as behind big pieces of furniture.

Clear out spaces where possible and try to avoid pushing sofas or wardrobes up against walls in cold and damp areas of your home.

If you have a fan heater, try directing warm air towards nooks or crannies for a few minutes daily to help dry them out.

DRY OUT: Salt can help remove moisture from damp areas. You could pop some in a small bowl or pot on a shelf in problematic areas and change it over when the salt starts to clump.

Some plants, such as a peace lily, can reduce moisture and help fight mould. Try one in your bathroom or kitchen.

CLEAN UP: Tackle black mould as soon as you spot it to stop it spreading.

You can mix a natural solution of two teaspoons of tea tree oil to two cups of water and use on walls to kill the spores.

Vinegar spray is another affordable treatment. Make up a solution with equal amounts of white vinegar to water, then spray and wipe. Use it on walls when cleaning condensation to prevent outbreaks.

Bleach can be diluted with water to use on walls. If the fungus has got into the silicon in bathrooms, dip cotton wool in bleach and leave it overnight on the affected area.

What is mould and how to get rid of it?

Mould is more likely to grow during the winter months.

Olivia Young, Product Development Scientist at Astonish revealed exactly why this is.

“Unfortunately, mould is a common problem many people face during winter. It thrives in conditions that are warm and damp, so your bathrooms are likely to be the most affected place.

“That said, during the colder months most rooms in your home could be vulnerable to mould growing.

“This occurs primarily from condensation that builds up on your windows when you’ve got your radiators on.

“If you think about it, when windows and doors are closed, there’s not much chance for the air to circulate and the moisture to make a swift exit.

“This build up is what can cause dreaded mould to make an appearance, especially in bathrooms, as it creates that warm and wet environment that is a breeding ground for mould.

“If left untreated, not only is it unsightly but it can also pose a serious risk to your health, so it’s really important you treat it.

“The key to tackle mould is to act fast.

“Try to come into as little contact with it as you can. So, grab your gloves, tie up your hair and get to work to remove any signs of mould as soon as you notice them.

“To keep mould at bay, there are some simple solutions you can introduce throughout home.

“The first is keep it ventilated. Yes, even in the cold winter months try to leave your bathroom window open for at least 10/15 minutes post shower or bath. This will get rid of any excess moisture quickly preventing mould gathering.

“If you’re having a repeat problem with mould in one particular area, it might be because the humidity levels are too high. You can get a dehumidifier that will help keep the levels low and reduce the risk of mould returning.

“The golden rule to remember when dealing with mould is the quicker you can treat it, the better. If you leave it, it will only get worse so never ignore it!

“To successfully get rid of mould every time, I recommend opting for the UK’s No 1 Mould & Mildew Remover, that effectively removes mould and mildew stains almost instantly, with no scrubbing necessary.”

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Rob Cross forced to leave Dutch Darts Masters trophy BEHIND after beating Stephen Bunting in final

ROB CROSS nearly pulled a muscle as he struggled to lift his latest darts pot.

Voltage became the Boss of Den Bosch on Saturday night when he beat Stephen Bunting 8-5 in the final of the Dutch Darts Masters.

Rob Cross says victory was 'special' but it wasn't all 'plane' sailing
Rob Cross says victory was ‘special’ but it wasn’t all ‘plane’ sailing
Rob Cross of England lifts the trophy at the TOTO Dutch Darts Masters.The scariest moment for Cross might have been lifting this trophy
The scariest moment for Cross might have been lifting this trophy[/caption]
Stephen Bunting was happy with reaching the final but lost it 8-5
Stephen Bunting was happy with reaching the final but lost it 8-5

For the former world champion, it was his FIFTH success on the World Series of Darts circuit in seven years, following his triumphs in Australia (twice), New Zealand and the US.

Yet lifting the Toon Greebe Trophy in the post-game ceremony proved problematic.

And he had to leave it behind in Holland because it was too big for his luggage allowance on the flight home.

Cross, 34, said: “There is one other trophy that is a bit heavier and that’s the Worlds.

“I thought I was going to pull a muscle when I lifted it. I thought: ‘Don’t do it!’

“It nearly slipped out of my hand. But it’s amazing to come here and win.

“We turn up and play all over the world. If you are not winning, it doesn’t mean anything. This is special.

“I don’t think I have room for it to take home. Anyone got a spare case? It’s very heavy…”


Cross – who faces a qualifier on Thursday night at the new-look World Masters in Milton Keynes – is not one to complain about the constant travel and living out of a suitcase.

He said: “Sometimes I’m not always at my best but I still get results.

“No-one has a gun to their head. This sport is not a matter of life or death. Go out there and enjoy it. Embrace it.

“Name me another sport where you go up on stage as an individual and get treated like that. It’s truly amazing.

“I cannot get that buzz anywhere in life. I shouldn’t tell my missus that. I have four kids. You have gotten me a divorce now!

“I had to break a sweat to win this one. I love the World Series. I’m very fond to it. I enjoy going around the world.

“As much as we might all moan here and there about the flights, without it I’d have an average job and be another person, who would carry on working the way I was.

“I always say I can beat the best players in the world – but I can also lose to Mickey Mouse tomorrow morning.

“I love the TV lights. I am a bit guilty at the ProTours, behind closed doors, it is a bit harder to get up for them. Every TV tournament I want to win and play well.”

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Aston Villa 1 West Ham 1: Emerson’s equaliser sends Hammers home happy… but Potter’s side unlucky to miss out on win

WEST HAM battled for a point as they secured a 1-1 draw at Aston Villa.

Jacob Ramsey gave the hosts an early lead in the Midlands with a well-take strike.

Emerson Palmieri of West Ham United celebrates scoring a goal.
Emerson Palmieri’s equaliser saw West Ham draw 1-1 at Aston Villa[/caption]
Aston Villa players Jacob Ramsey and Morgan Rogers celebrating a goal.
Jacob Ramsey netted Villa’s opener early on but the hosts couldn’t hold out for victory[/caption]

But Emerson Palmieri ensured the points were split with a timely equaliser in the second half.


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