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Ireland backed to thrive under ‘big part of success’ Simon Easterby despite absence of ‘best in the world’ Andy Farrell

DAVID HUMPHREYS knows that any team in the world would miss Andy Farrell – but he thinks Ireland will be fine without him. 

Ireland kick off their Six Nations campaign on Saturday against England as they look to make it three Championships in a row without inspirational head coach Farrell

Andy Farrell, Ireland's head coach, before a rugby match.
Andy Farrell has temporarily stepped away from Ireland to take charge of the Lions
Ramsey Cardy/Sportsfile
Portrait of David Humphreys, IRFU performance director.
IRFU performance director David Humphreys poses for a portrait after an Ireland Rugby media conference at The Campus in Quinto da Lago, Portugal
Brendan Moran/Sportsfile

He is on secondment as he takes charge of the Lions this summer as assistant coach Simon Easterby steps up temporarily for the Championship and this summer’s tour. 

But IRFU Performance Director Humphreys has so much confidence in Farrell’s coaching staff that he does not think Farrell’s absence will not be too keenly felt. 

He said: “Andy Farrell will be missed for any coaching team. In my opinion he’s the best rugby coach in the world and that’s why he’s become such an important part of what we do.

“Yes, Andy isn’t here but nothing else has changed. 

“Simon has been a big part of the success over the last few years, he has head coach experience and I have no doubt he’ll thrive under the pressure that will come with head coach over the next few weeks.

“Having been on the Emerging Ireland tour and seen how Simon and Paulie (O’Connell) and Andrew Goodman work together, I have absolutely no doubt it will be an easy transition in the next few months.”

Humphreys is also confident that Ireland will be much better in the next seven weeks that they were in last November’s Series. 

While Ireland won three of four games as they beat Argentina, Fiji and Australia after a loss to New Zealand, performances fell well below expectations in Farrell’s final games. 

But Humphrys is confident that is an aberration due to an unusual build-up as players’ seasons started late due to the extended 2023-24 campaign. 

He added: “When the review was taken of the November series, when you look before that, coming into that competition, the provinces weren’t playing particularly well, some of our key players were probably struggling a bit with their form.

“Compare that with the last month where I think you’ve seen a lot of our top players playing really well in Europe

“That’s why we’re going into the Six Nations in a really good spot. The players are playing with a lot more confidence that comes from having played well.”

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Exes should be BANNED from All Stars – Ronnie and Harriett could kill off Love Island for good

SIGNING up Ronnie Vint’s ex Harriett Blackmore to All Stars should have been a series highlight for Love Island – but it fell flat.

The brunette bombshell confidently arrived during a kissing challenge – and, as expected, turned Ronnie’s head instantly.

A couple kissing on Love Island.
Ronnie Vint and Harriett Blackmore will kiss in tonight’s show

It ended his two-week romance with Towie’s Elma Pazar on the spot as he confessed he was “in love” with his ex and wanted to win her back.

It sound like the makings of an entertaining love triangle, but instead threatens to kill off the show – and that’s because fans are convinced Ron and Harriett plotted this storyline.

Just weeks before entering the villa for a second time, Ron had sent roses to Harriett for Christmas – signing off the card “love you”.

If she wasn’t on board with the fake break up, surely Harriett would be furious that her ex was in Love Island while trying to get back with her?

Instead, the pair struggled to even pretend they weren’t totally fixated on each other.

Harriett weakly claimed she wouldn’t be kissing him all series as he tenderly caressed her legs on the day bed.

But just one episode later, the pair pucker up in a first look at tonight’s show.

It’s after Harriett was pied by Ron Hall who she picked, apparently, to keep Ronnie on his toes.

Ronnie and Harriett have done such a bad job at pretending they weren’t planning to reunite all along that it’s pointed out what’s wrong with the format.

Yes, All Stars is bound to have a mix of exes in the villa prepared to offer some frosty atmospheres or exciting second chances.

But Love Island should ban serious couples like Harriett and Ronnie – who left the last series together – from being on the show.

Fans don’t want to feel like they’re being hoodwinked.

They want to see true love blossom – just like what happened between winners Tom Clare and Molly Smith on last year’s All Stars.

It’s Elma I feel sorry for in all this.

You could tell she really liked Ronnie and went against her instincts to give it a go with the self-nicknamed ‘Turbo Ronnie’.

From the off they had natural chemistry with their fun sense of humour – but it was all in vain.

Despite being on a dating show, Ronnie’s head was still firmly with his ex who just happened to arrive two weeks later.

Now Elma – someone who fans are rooting for to find love – has been left single and at risk of being dumped.

Meanwhile Ronnie and Harriett are preparing to cash in on future opportunities as a couple with brand deals and photo shoots.

From a show that has genuinely produced some true love stories – it was a predictably disappointing move.

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is back on TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of all the Islanders who are in the villa so far.


Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who has joined the villa so far:

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Aldi Ireland fans rushing to buy new ‘roadside hero’ in middle aisle – and it costs just €4.99

ALDI Ireland fans are rushing to buy a new “roadside hero” in the middle aisle – and it costs just €4.99.

The Tyre Puncture Sealant Can is available in stores across the country from January 30.

The Tyre Puncture Sealant Can could come in handy on the road

The retailer said: “This Tyre Puncture Sealant Can is your instant roadside hero this winter!

“Mend punctures and resume your adventure in a matter of minutes.”

The sealant can “fits in your glove compartment”.

Aldi added: “Just attach the nozzle, press the button, and watch as the innovative formula seeks out and seals punctures instantly.

“Designed to fit a wide range of vehicle types.”

Meanwhile, an Irish driving instructor has revealed a major hack to speed up your test waiting time.

Learner drivers are facing long waits while the number of no-shows for scheduled tests has been rising each month for the past year.

An analysis by road safety campaigners Parc revealed that Kildare and Dublin have the longest wait times in the country, with some waits of up to 30 weeks.

But there’s a major hack on how to get a test date quicker that some drivers may not be aware about.

Lyle, known on TikTok as @Lyletheinstructor, is a hugely popular instructor with over 70,000 followers on the platform.

And he revealed a major hack to speed up test waiting time.

Lyle revealed that novice drivers can get an app on their phone called DriveNow Test Cancellations to alert them if a space comes up.

He said: “You can use it for free and select a test centre, and you can go into the app and see all the available cancellation dates.

“And then you can book it from that through the RSA website.”

Lyle then revealed that if you pay a subscription fee in the app, you will get unlimited notifications when an available date is free near you.

What’s more, novice drivers would also be able to book it through the app.

Lyle added: “You can also pay for the app and you can get unlimited notifications for cancellations that are live, and you will be able to book it straight away.

“And we know that cancellations often go very, very fast.

“If you don’t want to wait very long and if you want to grab a cancellation while they’re there, it might be a good idea to use the DriveNow app.”

The app is available through Apple’s app store, and for android users it can be downloaded through the play store.

You can use it for free, and it’s €4.99 per week for those willing to pay the subscription.

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76-річна жінка потрапила до лікарні з діабетом, а дізналася, що вагітна

Якщо вагітність жінки завершиться успішно, вона може стати найстарішою матір’ю в історії. В США стало вірусним відео, де 76-річна жінка з Атланти дізналася, що вагітна. Пенсіонерка заявила, що має намір народжувати і залишити дитину. Про це пише видання Мarca.com. На вірусному відео лікар повідомляє жінці, що вона вагітна на 12-му тижні. Вагітна пенсіонерка отримує цю новину у […]

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Вчені назвали ті випадки, коли чашкою кави можна зіпсувати здоров’я

  Фахівці з’ясували, чим може обернутися любов до цього напою. Про користь кави написано багато наукових праць. Безсумнівно, що цей напій має тонізуючий ефект, допомагає прискорити обмін речовин, корисний для профілактики розладів когнітивних функцій. Крім того, користь від кави є для серця і в боротьбі з депресивними станами. Але в усьому є ложка дьогтю. У […]

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Шокувала мене, – учасниця “Холостяка” назвала найменш щиру дівчину на шоу

Учасниця “Холостяка” Тетяна Мелехова висловилась про своїх колишніх конкуренток на проєкті. Вона назвала дівчину, яка здалась їй найменш щирою. Тетяна Мелехова розповіла, що найбільш неприємною несподіванкою для неї стала Настя Анісімова. За її словами, блогерка була тихою в будинку, але перед камерами поводилась інакше. “З тих дівчат, які мене шокували – фудблогерка Настя. У домі […]

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Відчистити кухню від жиру — той ще квест, але я впоралась: змішала популярний напій та додала дешевий засіб

Іноді здається, що плями жиру на плиті, фартухах і навіть на шафках кухні непереможні. Але не поспішайте кидати все й поступатись, тому що ми знайшли для вас надійного помічника. Ось вам справжня “хімічна зброя”, яка допоможе подолати жир швидко, легко й без особливих витрат. Простий рецепт, що є вашим союзником Що потрібно для приготування могутньої […]

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Мій врожай гнив навіть у сухому погребі, а я навіть не здогадувалась про причини: винні 2 помилки дачників

Мабуть, кожен городник чи дачник хоча б раз у житті стикався із ситуацією, коли попри все овочі починають псуватись у погребі. Розповідаємо, як розв’язати таку задачу. Кожного року тисячі дачників стикаються з популярною проблемою. А полягає вона в тому, що овочі, які ви відправили у підвал не зберігання, починають гнити або сохнути. Коренеплоди можуть псуватись […]

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