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EastEnders legend rushed to hospital after dangerous accident in heartbreaking scenes

FANS of the iconic BBC soap are left in shock as the character’s fate hangs in the balance, with many fearing the worst.

In a dramatic turn of events on EastEnders, a beloved character is rushed to the hospital following a dangerous accident.

Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell in EastEnders, standing by an Albert Square sign.
Phil’s actions put him in serious danger next week[/caption]
A man visiting graves at night.
He will feel suicidal and visit his parents graves[/caption]
Jamie Winstone as Peggy Mitchell and Steve McFadden as Phil Mitchell in a scene from EastEnders.
He will experience symptoms of psychosis in the form of hallucinations[/caption]

The intense storyline is set to have major consequences for the family involved, as tensions rise and emotions run high.

Viewers have watched as Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) has been living in squalor alone after pushing his family and friends away and even being tempted by booze after years of sobriety.

Next week on the BBC soap, Phil’s actions put him in serious

Harry arrives for work at The Arches and finds Phil in a dire predicament.

When Nigel heads off to check on Phil after his date, he is horrified to see him being loaded into an ambulance.

Phil’s nearest and dearest friends and family rush to support him.

But as Phil continues to push his loved ones away, events take another dark turn.

Upcoming scenes will see him attempt to take his own life, and spoiler pictures have shown Phil visit Peggy Mitchell grave a this dark time.

He will experience symptoms of psychosis in the form of hallucinations and will see scenes from the Mitchell family home in 1985.

In the hallucinations, Jamie Winstone will reprise her role of a young Peggy Mitchell.

Joining Jamie making a comeback to the soap is George Russo as Eric Mitchell, Daniel Delaney as a young Phil Mitchell, and Teddy Jay as a young Grant Mitchell.

Phil will act as a bystander to a pivotal moment from his adolescence.

Meanwhile, Ross Kemp has confirmed he is officially back on the set of EastEnders after he shared his first photo with his co-star as he reprises the iconic role of Grant Mitchell.

He will be will be making a long-awaited comeback to the BBC soap opera for the show’s epic 40th anniversary next month.

Phil Micthell's biggest EastEnders storylines

Phil Mitchell, a long-running character on EastEnders, has had many storylines, including:

  • Alcoholism and addiction: Phil has struggled with alcoholism and addiction to crack cocaine. 
  • Cirrhosis of the liver: Phil was told he had months to live due to cirrhosis. He eventually received a liver transplant. 
  • Criminal dealings: Phil has been involved in various criminal dealings. 
  • Affair with Sharon Watts: Phil had an affair with Sharon Watts, which became known as “Sharongate”. 
  • Failed marriage to Kathy Beale: Phil was married to Kathy Beale, but their marriage failed. 
  • Feuds and rivalries: Phil has had many feuds and rivalries, including with his stepson Ian Beale and love rival Steve Owen. 
  • Murder of Dennis Rickman: Phil sought revenge for the murder of Sharon’s adoptive brother and husband, Dennis Rickman. 
  • Murder of his uncle Archie: Phil was a prime suspect in the murder of his uncle Archie. 
  • “Who Shot Phil?”: Phil was shot outside his home in a highly anticipated storyline that was described as a “Dallas-style” whodunnit mystery. 
  • Loneliness and mental health: Phil may face a storyline related to loneliness and mental health. Some fans speculate that his sibling, Grant, may reappear as a result. 

It was revealed at the turn of the New Year that Ross would be back amid a flurry of high-profile character returns this year.

Now, taking to his Instagram stories, Ross shares a snap with his on-screen brother in the Square with the iconic Albert Square sign.

Bosses have so far kept tight-lipped on their plans for the shows but a huge fire looks set to destroy the Queen Vic during the jam-packed week.

EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7:30pm on BBC One and is available from 6am on BBC iPlayer.

Ross Kemp at the Albert Square sign.
Ross Kemp will be reprising his role as Grant Mitchell
Ross Kemp and Steve McFadden at Albert Square.
He has shared a snap from set reuniting with his on-screen brother[/caption]
Phil Mitchell and Grant Mitchell arguing in the street; Grant holds a baseball bat.
Grant was last seen in the square back in 2016[/caption]

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Putin kamikaze drone DESTROYS £3.3m classic car collection of puppet ally ex-Ukraine president Yanukovych in war blunder

MAD Vlad made a huge war blunder as one of his drones wiped out a £3.3million classic car collection owned by his corrupt ally.

The Moscow-aligned dodgy ex-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych had his beloved vehicles destroyed by his mate.

Bombed classic cars in a damaged building.
A Putin drone destroyed one of his ally’s classic car collections[/caption]
Burned classic cars in a destroyed building.
Debris from a drone wiped out nine classic cars and damaged 27[/caption]
Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yanukovych shaking hands.
The cars belonged to former Ukrainian president and Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych[/caption]
Two classic cars belonging to Viktor Yanukovych.
The car collection revealed the ex-president’s extreme corruption[/caption]

Yanukovych – who was toppled in 2014 – was given political asylum by the Kremlin dictator.

The Putin puppet, 74, stored his luxury car collection at a museum, which burst into flames after debris from a Kremlin drone destroyed the building.

This drone – believed to be an Iranian Shahed – was shot as it flew over the ex-president’s lavish estate Mezhyhirya in Kyiv region, valued at up to £800 million.

Nine cars were totally decimated by the debris while 27 were damaged.

Yanukovych’s extreme wealth was exposed as a symbol of the corruption he inflicted on Ukraine while in power.

After the leader was overthrown in the 2014 revolution, protesters stormed into his two-storey garage.

They discovered the multi-million pound collection of retro cars, mostly from the Soviet era.

His collection included a rare Russian-made ZiL 410441 cabriolet, used for parades, and two ZiL 41047s – the cars of top Soviet officials.

The museum also homed his Soviet-era GAZ 21 sedans and a rare convertible version of the GAZ 13 Chaika.

Yanukovych’s stock also included smaller personal vehicles like Soviet-era GAZ 21 sedans and a rare convertible version of the GAZ 13 Chaika.

Although the dodgy Ukrainian fled to Russia, he had a few special American cars in his stash.

These included a Studebaker US6, a Willys MB, a Dodge WC51, and a Dodge WC63.

Yanukovych has lived in Russia since he was ousted in 2014, so the dodgy leader has not seen his cars in 11 years.


This has not been the first appalling drone mistake made by Mad Vlad’s men.

Three classic cars in a garage.
Yanukovych collection mostly featured Soviet cars[/caption]
Black and white classic car.
He also owned several rare classic cars[/caption]
Black classic car in a garage.
One of these included a cabriolet used for parades[/caption]

An Iranian-made Putin drone ploughed into a Russian apartment block last year.

A terrifying video showed how the block erupted into flames after the weapon struck, in border region of Belgorod.

Russia attempted to blame the shock error on Ukraine, claiming it was a Spanish-made Columba drone launched by the Ukrainian armed forces.

But the Russian propaganda machine was soon caught out for blaming Ukraine for the strike when it was actually a wayward Russian-fired drone.

Building engulfed in flames at night.
Debris from a Putin drone strike in Kyiv destroyed his mate’s stash[/caption]
A bombed-out building at night with emergency responders present.
Yanukovych’s collection also included American-made cars[/caption]
Exterior view of the Petro Auto Museum.
They were homed at a Kyiv museum after protesters uncovered the corrupt leader’s vehicles after he was overthrown in 2014[/caption]

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Чотири способи, які допомагають жити довше

0 Тим, хто хоче стати довгожителем, потрібно стежити, щоб організм отримував досить так званих «вітамінів довголіття» і важливих мікроелементів. Вітаміни. Щоб прожити довше, треба забезпечити організму достатню кількість певних мікроелементів. Ось ці речовини: Магній. Заповнювати магній потрібно щодня, оскільки він активно виводиться з організму з сечею. При достатньому рівні магнію знижується ризик інсульту, серцевої недостатності, […]

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“Секрет” швидкого приготування перловки

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Сода — помічниця № 1 у догляді за одягом

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Чайка, яку неможливо обдурити, розвеселила Мережі

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53-річного Хіменеса-Браво записали в холостяки, але причина щастя Ектора – не в цьому

Відомий кулінар та ресторатор Ектор Хіменес-Браво заінтригував фанатів новою світлиною із жіночою рукою з червоним манікюром, яка лежить на його мужньому чоловічому плечі. Хто вона, таємнича незнайомка, що стала причиною безмежного щастя Ектора? “Сенсація” розповість про це детальніше. Шеф-кухар Ектор Хіменес-Браво в свої 53 роки й досі ходить в холостяках. Статус неодруженого чоловіка стає приводом […]

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