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Woman pushed into car & raped while walking along street as cops share e-fit of man they ‘urgently need to trace’

A WOMAN was bundled into a car while walking down a street and raped – as cops share an e-fit of the man they “urgently need to trace”.

The victim was walking alone on Bradiston Road in Westminster on June 14, 2022, when her attacker pushed her into a car.

E-FIT of a man with dark skin, short dreadlocks, and a beard.
Cops released an e-fit of the man they want to trace
Residential street scene with parked cars and houses.
The woman was walking alone on Bradiston Road in Westminster

The dark coloured Audi A3 had stopped at a junction ahead of the victim at around 9pm.

A man forced her inside and drove away before raping her, the Metropolitan Police said.

The victim was then pushed from the car after the attack.

Cops have now released an e-fit of the man they want to speak to.

He has been described as being in his late 30s, with short dreadlocks and a Jamaican accent.

The man also has a noticeable scar on his face.

Detective Constable, Leon Riley, from the policing team covering Westminster, said: “If you recognise the man in the image please contact us without delay.

“We have been carrying out extensive enquiries since the incident and we continue to support the victim who, as far as possible, has been trying to live her life as normal since it happened.

“It was a horrifying ordeal for her and we thank her for supporting the investigation to trace the man responsible for assaulting her, and now helping us build an e-fit of the suspect.

“Women should be able to walk alone without fear and we are dedicated to protecting women and girls from predatory offenders such as this.

“Anyone who recognises the man, or has information, please contact police on 101 quoting 6533840/22.

“Or, to remain completely anonymous call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit crimestoppers-uk.org.”

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Пил удома я більше не протираю, бо він більше ніде не осідає: мій “трюк” – 1 ковпачок на відро води

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У Європі можуть відкрити центри повернення українських біженців: у яких країнах з’являться

У Чехії, Німеччині та Польщі планують створити центри повернення, щоб допомогти українцям, які перебувають у цих країнах, повернутися додому. Про це виданню Deník N повідомили у Міністерстві внутрішніх справ Чехії. За словами віцепрем’єр-міністра України Олексія Чернишова, він обговорить це питання під час свого візиту до Чехії наступного тижня. Згідно з даними видання, створення таких центрів також планується у […]

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Woman sexually assaulted while standing on train in broad daylight attack with cops releasing CCTV in manhunt

POLICE have launched a manhunt following a sexual assault in broad daylight on a train.

Cops have released a CCTV image of a man they wish to speak to following the incident on board the service between Canning Town and Finchley Road in London at 11.30am on January 15.

Officers would like to speak to the man in the images as they believe he may have information which could help with their investigation.

Anyone who recognises him is asked to contact British Transport Police by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40, quoting reference 261 of 15 January.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

A man wearing a black hoodie speaks into a cell phone.
Cops have released this CCTV image of a man they wish to speak to

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