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Lizzie Cundy, 56, reveals secret behind her age-defying looks as she undergoes special treatment

LIZZIE Cundy has revealed the secret behind her age-defying looks.

Taking to Instagram to show herself undergoing a special treatment, which she credits for her ageless beauty, Lizzie got candid in a video as fans praised the very busy and very beautiful star.

Woman receiving a facial treatment.
Lizzie Cundy has shared a video about getting a treatment done at a Harley Street clinic[/caption]
Lizzie Cundy discussing her age-defying looks.
Lizzie is 56 years of age[/caption]
Woman receiving a facial treatment.
Sharing the process on how she stays looking youthful, fans were quick to praise the stunning star[/caption]
Woman receiving facial treatment.
Lizzie explained how she needs to look fresh and young all of the time[/caption]

In the video she shared, the 56-year-old explained how she was at her “favourite place” to get a “heavenly treatment”.

As she underwent the treatment in the clip, she could be heard saying: “I need to look fresh. I need to look young.”

Then, in the caption of the post, she penned: “Laughter lines ? What laughter lines ? Come with me and get a heavenly beautiful glow.”

She explained: “Fractora Forma is an advanced non-invasive solution for skin tightening and lifting treatment.

This treatment utilises bipolar radiofrequency energy to increase collagen and elastin production, while also tightening the skin on both the body and face.”

Speaking about the results, she gushed: “The results are amazing, rendering long-lasting effects without downtime or discomfort.

So what are you waiting for . Tight, peachy skin thanks to @harleystskin @lesleyreynoldsharleyst!”


Commenting on the post, fans went wild.

“Your energy is contagious,” gushed one person.

Another complimented Lizzie by saying: “Looking stunning as always.”

“Your the busiest and look gorgeous xxx,” added a third.

A fourth person then added: “I want this.”

And a fifth said: “Looks amazing. How much is it?”


According to the Harley Street Skin Clinic, which is where Lizzie went to get the treatment, it states that Fractora Forma is a skin treatment “which uses the body’s own healing process to mimic minor injuries”.

I need to look fresh. I need to look young.

Lizzie Cundy

The clinic’s website states: “It delivers deep pulses and heat into the skin using radiofrequency energy, causing the body to further stimulate collagen repair.”

The site later adds: “With this cutting-edge technology, you have a simple but effective method for skin tightening and refreshing your skin so that it looks beautiful and youthful.”

Lizzie, who is an English socialite, TV personality and the former wife of footballer Jason Cundy, often gets praised online for her ageless looks.


Last week she took to her Instagram page donning some thigh-high leather boots with a short skirt.

Fans went wild in the comments, with one writing: “Lovely lady. Body of a 20 year old.”

“Looking very hot today Lizzie loving the sexy boots,” swooned a second.

While a third added: “Looking sensational Lizzie.”

And a fourth penned: “You look stunning.”

Lizzie Cundy in a white embellished cardigan.
Lizzie often shares glamorous snaps online[/caption]
Lizzie Cundy sitting on a boat, holding a straw hat and a Christian Dior bag.
Posing up a storm in very little clothing, Lizzie stripped off while on holiday recently[/caption]
Woman in a black bikini top by a pink railing overlooking the ocean.
Fans are always delighted to see Lizzie’s latest glamorous snap[/caption]
Lizzie Cundy in a white dress.
The TV starlet never disappoints with her chic snaps[/caption]

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