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Годинник Судного дня ближче до кінця світу, ніж будь-коли: у The Times озвучили головні побоювання

Багато висловлювань щодо застосування ядерної зброї дуже тривожні. Зростає відчуття, що якась із країн може зважитися на такий крок, і це жахає. Таку заяву зробив голова ради з науки та безпеки групи вчених-атомників Деніел Гольц після того, як так званий годинник Судного дня перевели ще на секунду ближче до опівночі, передає The Times. Нагадаємо, на тлі останніх загроз стрілку […]

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I tried new ‘viral suit dupe’ in Penneys for work look and it’s only €20

SHOPPERS are scrambling to get their hands on a ‘viral suit’ – and all the major high street shops have released their own version.

The suits generally consist of a stretch long sleeve top and stretch leggings.

Woman wearing black cardigan and wide-leg pants.
Irish shoppers have gone wild for a ‘viral’ combo look
Woman in black ribbed pajama set.
It’s set to sell out fast

A fashion blogger told how Penneys have dropped the look for a bargain €20.

Amy, who posts under @balancebyamy, took to Instagram to show off her casual outfit.

She said: “I just thought I’d quickly show you before I head off to work, this little two piece I bought in Penneys yesterday.

“I have seen these going viral on TikTok in Dunnes and Zara.

“But in Dunnes Stores they are €40, and in Zara… I’m actually not sure how much they are, probably €50 or €60 or something. Penneys is €20.”

The TikToker explained there’s some slight difference in each high street design.

She said: “I think the cardigan is slightly different from Dunnes, but I just wanted for casual wear. Now I am going to be wearing it in school.”

The cute cardigan has a v-neck and buttons down the centre.

Recreate the look with the Stretch Long Sleeve T-Shirt – costing just €4.50

Penneys chiefs described it as a stretch tee with long sleeves and a shallow V-neck.

They said: “A classic piece for your day-to-day wardrobe, this top is looking to become your next go-to.

“In a black colourway, its minimal V-neckline offers a sophisticated take on this everyday style.

“With long sleeves providing fuller coverage, the stretch-infused fabric is designed to sit comfortably against your silhouette.

“Pair with a maxi skirt and pointed flats for a brunchtime look that you can wear through to evenings out with friends.”

The long sleeve top ranges in sizes XXS to XXL.

Style the long sleeve top with the Wide Leg Leggings in black.

The retailer said the comfy wide leg leggings are perfect for everyday outfits.

They are made of 66 per cent viscose, 30 per cent polyester and 4 per cent elastane.

The stretch leggings, retailing at only €14, come in sizes XXS to XXL.

Amy teamed the top and leggings with a shacked from Dunnes Stores.

She added: “I thought that little shacket was gorgeous, and then I might even add a little scarf.”


THE Penneys brand grew from humble beginnings on Dublin's Mary Street, where it opened its first store in 1969.

Known as Primark outside Ireland, the company was the brainchild of Garfield Weston, who hired Dubliner Arthur Ryan to make his vision reality.

Penneys branched into the UK in 1973 with its first store opening in Derby. The UK now has 191 Primark stores in total.

However, the Penneys name could not travel to Britain as the American retailer JC Penney had the right to use the name in the region.

And in 2006, the expansion into Europe began with an opening in Spain, followed by the Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Austria, France and Italy.

Primark went Stateside for the first time in September 2015, with the opening of a store in Boston. There are now 27 stores in America with branches in Florida, Brooklyn, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

The retailer’s opened its largest store in Birmingham in 2019.

It spans five floors and features Primark’s biggest beauty studio to date, a barbers and three restaurants.

Woman in beige jacket and dark pants standing in hallway.
A fashion fan revealed her new favourite look for work
Woman in black outfit standing in a room.
Numerous stores have released their own version of the co-ord
Penneys store sign.
The items are available in Penneys stores nationwide
Garrett White

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Emmerdale shock as villager confesses to Anthony Fox’s murder – and it’s not Aaron Dingle

EMMERDALE is set to get even more complicated as one villager comes forward to the police to confess to a crime – but they’re not the real guilty party.

Viewers of tonight’s episode (Thursday 30 January) of Emmerdale will watch as a disturbed Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) struggles with the enormity of what she’s done.

A woman being questioned by a police officer.
Emmerdale’s Laurel Thomas is struggling with her guilt over attacking Anthony Fox[/caption]
A woman being questioned by a police officer.
Viewers watch as she takes herself to the police station to confess, even though she’s not the guilty culprit[/caption]

She appears to have gone AWOL as she beats herself up over Anthony Fox’s (Nicholas Day) disappearance, and she’s convinced she’s to blame.

A few days before ITV viewers watched as Laurel attacked sex abuser Anthony after finding him violently confronting friend Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler).

Attacking him with a candlestick, Laurel is left convinced that the violent outburst killed him as he appeared to stumble away bleeding and hurt.

Whilst Nicola has tried to reassure Laurel, she’s remained worried ever since and in the latest episode she decided the guilt is too much.

As a recovering alcoholic, the worry and guilt has already seen Laurel reaching for the drink as in one weak moment she opened a bottle of vodka.

However she then poured it down the sink, avoiding taking a sip but clearly getting close to breaking down.

In the final moments of this episode, a frantic Laurel can be seen waiting at the desk of the local police station.

When approached by an officer she tells him she’s committed a murder, with the episode ending on Laurel’s worried face in the station.

Yet Laurel isn’t to blame for Anthony’s murder, instead it was Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) who killed him in a fit of rage after discovering he sexually abused his daughter, Ruby (Beth Cordingly).

In the previous episode, viewers watched as Aaron and boyfriend John Sugden (Oliver Farnworth) worked out the details of how to move forward after Anthony’s death including how to hide the evidence and invent a story about why he’d mysteriously left.

The pair appeared to have worked out a plan, but Aaron was consumed by the guilt and felt the need to confide to Ruby what he’d done.

With Ruby and husband Caleb Milligan also in the know, the circle of those who know the truth continues to expand with Aaron then later telling his mum Chas (Lucy Pargeter).


Everything you need to know about Emmerdale

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У BMW назвали великі екрани у авто небезпечними

У BMW визнали величезні екрани небезпечними вже після того, як компанія нещодавно представила передовий інформаційно-розважальний комплекс Panoramic iDrive X. Його особливості – трапецеподібний центральний дисплей та тонкий екран, протягнутий під лобовим склом від стійки до стійки. На цьому BMW, мабуть, зупиниться: директор з розвитку марки Френк Веббер заявив, що не піддасться тренду на гігантські тачскрини, […]

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19-річний син Гайді Клум із голою спиною дебютував на подіумі в Парижі

19-річний Генрі Самюель, син німецької топмоделі Гайді Клум і британського співака Сіла дебютував на подіумі під час Паризького тижня моди. Відмовившись від публічної уваги в минулому, він все ж вирішив будувати модельну кар’єру,пишеDaily Mail. Юнак став зіркою показу колекції Lena Erziak Haute Couture весна-літо 2025. Він дефілював у чорному костюмі з відкритою спиною. Його голову […]

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4 кращі продукти для здоров’я суглобів

З віком суглоби зношуються у всіх – це неминучий процес. Неправильне харчування може погіршити ситуацію – посилювати біль або прискорювати руйнування. Включіть ці 4 продукти в свій раціон, і вони будуть підтримувати здоров’я ваших суглобів. 1. Вишня Вчені з Бостонського університету провели дослідження і з’ясували, що всього 10 вишень кожен день, здатні захистити від розвитку […]

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Як зварити рубінове варення з полуниці

0 Можете бути впевнені, що, подавши до столу таке варення одного разу, гості проситимуть його знову і знову, а ще обов’язково спитають рецепт. Йдеться про рубінове варення з полуниці та пелюсток шипшини з тонким квітковим ароматом та оригінальним кольором. Воно нікого не залишить байдужим. Для приготування потрібно: 1 кг дрібної полуниці; 200 гр пелюсток шипшини; […]

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