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Салат із копченої ковбаси та помідорів

Салат із копченої ковбаси та помідорів – це вдале поєднання доступних інгредієнтів. Легкий, поживний і ароматний, він підкорює своєю простотою приготування та насиченим смаком. Ділимося рецептом! Салат із копченої ковбаси та помідорів: покроковий рецепт Цей салат прекрасно підійде як для повсякденної вечері, так і для святкового столу. Поєднання копченої ковбаси, свіжих помідорів і ніжного сиру […]

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Донька Філатова поставила собі спортивну мету перед весіллям та повідомила, коли його планує

фото з Instagram Донька міського голови Дніпра Бориса Філатова, Катерина, яка влітку отримала пропозицію руки та серця, взялася за ціль прийти у свою найкращу форму. У своєму Instagram 30-річна дівчина у спортивному розказала, як і коли готується стати нареченою. «У період, коли я наречена. Через 5 місяців маю бути в своїй найкращій формі евер, тому […]

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Ці несподівані ознаки, говорять про те, що ваше життя змінюється на краще

  Людство ще не придумало приладу, за допомогою якого можна було б вирахувати, що насуваються, і необхідні зміни. Однак існують певні індикатори, які допоможуть зрозуміти, що ви — на правильному шляху. Хто з нас не хоче бути щасливим? Не хоче змінити своє життя, щоб припинити турбуватися і хвилюватися, знайти радість і щастя? Але само по […]

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Horror double stabbing as woman, 33, & man, 35, found with slashed neck & stab wound in the street

A 33-YEAR-OLD woman and a man, 35, are being treated for “life-threatening injuries” after a horror double stabbing.

The pair were knifed in the neck and stomach following the horrific attack in Hull.

The man, who also suffered a head injury, was found with a stab wound to his stomach in Buckingham Street area at around 2am today, said cops.

Just an hour later, at 3am, a 33-year-old woman was found in nearby Rosmead Street, with a stab wound to her neck. 

Humberside Police said the incidents appear to be connected.

Detective Inspector Mark Skelton from the Major Crime Team said: “We believe these incidents to be connected and I would like to offer my reassurance that the individuals are believed to be known to each other. There is no wider risk to the public.

“Enquiries remain ongoing, including house to house enquiries, and trawling CCTV to establish the full circumstances and identify those involved.

“A 35-year-old man and 33-year-old woman remain in hospital for treatment to injuries which are thought to be life-threatening at this time.

“Members of the public can expect to see an increase in police presence and there are multiple scene guards in place on Barnsley Street, Buckingham Street, and Rosmead Street as our investigation continues and Crime Scene Investigators carry out their enquiries.”

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Sky finally adds hugely popular streaming app used by 15million to TVs – and there’s a secret way to unlock even more

A POPULAR streaming app used by 15million people worldwide has finally landed on Sky TVs.

Although the app is paid-for to get the most of it, there is some content available to watch for free too.

a flat screen tv displays the sky glass logo
New app is available on Sky Glass and Sky Stream[/caption]
a phone with the crunchyroll logo on it
Crunchyroll caters to some 15million anime fans worldwide[/caption]

Crunchyroll specialises in all things anime, with big names like Dragon Ball and Demon Slayer in the mix.

There’s almost 2,000 series and films available to stream.

Users will also find more than 3,500 music videos and concerts available to watch.

Gamers can access the Crunchyroll Game Vault as well – though you’ll have to play these on an iOS or Android device.

Subscriptions start from £4.99 per month but there is a limited free option as well as a seven day trial of premium too.

The entry level Fan plan allows just one device to watch at a time and no offline viewing for mobile devices.

Above that is the Mega Fan plan which is £5.99, allowing four devices to access the service at the same time and the ability to download content for offline viewing.

There’s also an annual Mega Fan subscription costing £59.99 for the year.

Alternatively, viewers can sign up for free for limited access to the service, which will allow you to watch the first series of some shows with ads.

For now, Crunchyroll is only available on Sky Glass and Sky Stream.

But there are plans to roll it out to Sky Q next over the summer.

Unlock more favourite streaming services

The move comes after a big update to Sky’s streamed TV services, allowing viewers to finally use AirPlay.

Having AirPlay means you can play even more streaming content than what Sky offers.

While you now have most apps available on your TV, there are many others out there – and some are free.

Using AirPlay, you can launch them from your iPhone or iPad and beam them to your Sky Glass or Sky Stream as long as you’re connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

One of the apps worth trying is Tubi, which launched in the UK last year.

The platform hosts a number of big Hollywood blockbusters for free, supported by ads.

This includes the Hunger Games series starring Jennifer Lawrence, psychological thriller Doonie Darko, Rambo: Last Blood and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, to name a few.

Another free one is Pluto TV, where you can find movies and TV shows including Big Daddy, Magic Mike, Click, Geordie Shore, Most Haunted and Catfish.

How to cast on Sky

Casting to your Sky device is done with Apple AirPlay, meaning it only works with an iPhone, iPad, Mac or HomePod

It’s also important to add that AirPlay is only available on Sky Glass and Sky Stream.

For it to work, your Sky device and your iPhone (or other Apple gadget) have to be on the same Wi-Fi network.

If you’re using an app like Netflix, you need to look for a casting icon which looks like a small TV.

Tap this and select your TV from the list.

When using Apple AirPlay on your Sky TV for the first time, you’ll need to enter a code that appears on your screen to confirm it’s you using it.

You can also use AirPlay to show photos or videos from your phone onto your Sky Glass or Sky Stream device.

  • Go to the Photos app
  • Select the photo or video you want to cast
  • Tap the share icon in the bottom left of your screen (the box with an arrow pointing upward)
  • Select AirPlay from the options
  • Tap your Sky TV from the list
  • Close the app on your phone at anytime to stop casting

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