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Your postcode could ‘raise likelihood of deadly heart attacks and stroke’, warn scientists 

YOUR postcode could determine your risk of a deadly heart attack or stroke, it’s been revealed.

The two condtions are diseases of the heart and circulatory system, which overall cause 480 deaths every day in the UK.

Middle-aged woman wheezing in a park.
Your heart could be harmed by where you live[/caption]

Researchers at University College London (UCL) looked at imaging of 3,635 people’s hearts.

They lived near Heathrow, Gatwick, Birmingham or Manchester airports.

The hearts of those who lived in areas with high or low aircraft noise areas were compared.

People subjected to noise from planes taking off and landing may be at greater risk of poor heart health, the study showed.

The team said this can lead to heart attacks, life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes.

Those living near airports had stiffer and thicker heart muscles that contracted and expanded less easily and were less efficient at pumping blood around the body.

This was especially the case for those exposed to higher aircraft noise at night, which may be because it ruins sleep.

Separate studies have shown that these types of heart abnormalities could result in up to a four-fold increased risk of a heart event when compared with people without these heart abnormalities.

And previously, scientists have discovered aircraft sounds disrupted sleep and raised blood pressure and stress hormone levels, which are factors linked to heart problems.

Earlier research led by the University of Leicester estimated that about five per cent of adults in England were exposed to aircraft noise exceeding 50 decibels during the day or night.

The senior author of the UCL study Dr Gaby Captur, consultant cardiologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London, said: “Our study is observational so we cannot say with certainty that high levels of aircraft noise caused these differences in heart structure and function.

“However, our findings add to a growing body of evidence that aircraft noise can adversely affect heart health and our health more generally.

“Concerted efforts from Government and industry are needed to reduce our exposure to aircraft noise and mitigate its impact on the health of millions of people who live close to airports or under flight paths.”

Previous studies linked exposure to high levels of aircraft noise to obesity, too, which can lead to heart problems.

Professor James Leiper, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “For most of us, a plane is seen as a ticket to some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

“But this innovative study reveals the potential invisible impact for those living close to some of our biggest travel hubs.

“While observational studies like this can’t prove cause and effect, these findings add to previous research showing the damaging impact of noise pollution on our heart health.

“Further research will be needed to investigate the longer-term effects of aircraft noise on the health of those with the highest exposure.”

EMBARGOED TO 1500 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8 File photo dated 4/1/2016 of an Emirates Airbus A380 plane lands over houses near Heathrow Airport, west London. Exposure to aircraft noise could increase the likelihood of suffering heart attacks, according to a study. Researchers at University College London (UCL) found people who live near airports - and are subjected to noise from planes taking off and landing - may be at greater risk of poor heart health. Issue date: Wednesday January 8, 2025. PA Photo. See PA story AIR Noise. Photo credit should read: Steve Parsons/PA Wire
Living near an airport could harm your heart

How to reduce your risk of heart attacks and stroke

You can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke with many of the same methods.

Heart attacks and strokes, althouh affecting different organs of the body, are both what we call cardiovascular events.

Both arise from similar underlying conditions, such as atherosclerosis —a buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries.

According to the American Heart Association, the risk factors for heart attacks and strokes are largely the same: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, and diabetes.

Therefore, addressing these risk factors can simultaneously reduce the risk of both conditions.

Here are ways you can prevent the two:

Healthy diet

  • More fruit and veg: The DASH, which emphasises fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • Less fats: Too much saturated and trans fats can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Go for healthier fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados.
  • Limit salt: High salt intake is linked to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for both heart attack and stroke. The NHS recommends no more than 6g of salt per day for adults.
  • Fibre: Foods high in soluble fibre, such as oats and beans, can help lower cholesterol levels.


Walking, running, cycling, swimming – whatever you like, do it!

Aerobic exercise can strengthen the heart and improve circulation.

The NHS advises at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week.

Strength training exercises can help control weight, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure. It is recommended twice a week by the NHS.

Manage blood pressure

Healthy diet and exercise can help keep your blood pressure in check.

But it is worth monitoring it yourself after the age of 40, at least, when the NHS invites adults for a check-up every five years.

High blood pressure often has no symptoms but significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Quit smoking

One of the best ways to quit smoking is to use resources provided by NHS Smokefree. Support groups, medications, and other tools to help quit smoking such as vapes could be what you need to kick the habit for good – and it’s free.

Limit booze

Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure and contribute to weight gain, which can snowball and become a heart health risk.

The NHS recommends not regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week.

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I’m the PlayStation Vita’s biggest fan and I’m glad Freedom Wars is out for everyone

I HAVE always loved the PlayStation Vita, but the vast majority of the handheld’s library is already available on other platforms.

Freedom Wars is one of the last games that was still a Vita exclusive until Bandai Namco announced Freedom Wars Remastered.

A player battles a large mechanical enemy in a destroyed city.
Bandai Namco
Freedom Wars is all about using your Thorn to grapple and take down giant mechs[/caption]
PT Era 102013: 12,984,450,000 cameras in Panopticon.
Bandai Namco
You have a million year prison sentence and you are being watched at all times[/caption]
Freedom Wars videogame screenshot: players battle a large, fiery, mechanical enemy.
Bandai Namco
When you take on a mission and collect resources, years will be removed from your sentence[/caption]

Set in a dystopian future where resources are scarce, you play as a Sinner, someone born with a 1million year prison sentence.

Sinners must grapple up to the top of giant mechs and sever off parts to collect resources to donate to the greater good.

Every dangerous mission you take part in and every item you donate will shave a few hundred years off your sentence.

Freedom Wars was innovative at the time it was released, with the introduction of the Thorn, a grapple that helps you quickly explore the verticality of the maps.

You can also use it to travel quickly across the world, close the distance between you and an enemy, and hang onto a mech until you’re shaken off.

The game is over 10 years old at this point and was created with the PlayStation Vita’s hardware restrictions in mind.

One of the Vita’s biggest restrictions is the size, and Freedom Wars reuses just a few enemy types and battle arenas, but this would need to be tackled in a remake rather than a remaster.

There are a number of quality-of-life improvements in the remaster, including auto-save, quick travel, shinier graphics, and faster movement.

However, like the lack of variety, the biggest issue with Freedom Wars remains the limitations of the original.

Tutorials are text boxes with a large amount of text that the average gamer will likely skip through.

Freedom Wars has a lot of systems like severing, drag downs, weapon crafting, modules and abilities that are not obvious when playing.

Many people think that the difficulty curves sharply and you need to grind in order to finish it, but if you use the game mechanics as intended you should have no problems.

Gamers have been conditioned over the years to play games like cover-based shooters, but in Freedom Wars you’re supposed to get up close and personal.

However, earlier missions would need to be restructured to emphasise this and improve on the difficulty issue.

Freedom Wars suffers from its limitations, and while the remaster improves on the original in many ways, a remake would be needed to fix everything.

It is still one of the most innovative big-budget games made, and getting it all on a 4GB cart is a work of magic.

I’d love to see a new Freedom Wars game with all of the resources game developers now have at their disposal.

Whether that happens or not depends on players and how much love they show for this new version, so go play it for the greater good.

If you want to read more game reviews, check out our Super Mario Party Jamboree review.

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ЗСУ отримали унікальну шведську вантажівку від Scania

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Лікарі розповіли, що не варто робити людям після 40 років

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Корм для квадроберів: маркетинговий хіт чи жарти виробників

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Як приготувати закуску за 5 хвилин з крабових паличок та крекерів

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Чому краще не виливати воду з-під варених яєць у раковину

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