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Parenting expert issues a warning over a dangerous pram mistake in winter & five tips to keep your baby warm

DAILY walks in fresh air are essential – but how to keep your little one warm and safe, as the temperatures plummet in winter?

As Brits are warned to brace for a minus 16C cold snap today, one parenting expert has revealed how to make sure your baby is warm this chilly season – and a dangerous pram mistake to avoid at all costs.

Smiling baby boy in a winter stroller during a snowfall.
A parenting expert has issued a stark warning over a common pram mistake that could put your little one at risk[/caption]

Kirsty Carroll, a parenting expert at Kiddies Kingdom, has listed five essential tips for keeping our little ones safe and toasty in their pushchairs during cold winter walks.

Sharing her advice, Kirsty highlighted one dangerous mistake that parents are often seen making in the winter months – covering the pram with a blanket.

While parents may think this will help keep their kid warm, it can actually be quite hazardous, potentially restricting airflow and making your baby uncomfortable.

Warning parents of the common error, Kirsty noted that this mistake could even put them at risk of overheating.

Keeping your baby warm

Kirsty said: “Layer up on clothes, as this traps the heat to keep your little one warm. A good rule of thumb is to give your baby one extra layer of clothing than what you’re wearing.

“A snug base layer, insulated mid-layer, and weatherproof outer layer are ideal to shield them from the cold. Babies lose the most heat through the top of their heads, so don’t forget a hat!” she told Daily Star.

She stressed that you should avoid covering the pram’s opening with a blanket, adding: “If tucking your baby in with a blanket, only ever go up to their chest, leaving their face exposed.

”A great alternative to a blanket is a foot muff, these are designed to fit into your pram or pushchair and sometimes have a harness for extra safety.”

Protection against the elements

A rain cover is also another essential to snap up for walks during the cold spell, as it will keep the little one dry and shielded from any harsh wind.

Keeping your baby dry and warm is a must in the winter season, as wet or damp clothes won’t dry out as quickly – and it can even put your baby at risk of hypothermia.

Reflective Accessories

If you pop outside for a stroll during the later hours when it’s already dark, then the evenings can pose a great deal of safety problems for parents with pushchairs and prams.

To ensure the safety of yourself and your child, Kirsty said: “Stick to main roads and avoid routes without streetlights.

“You can also add reflective tape or reflective patches to your pushchair to increase its visibility in low light.”

Sharing the tips with the publication, Kirsty reminded parents to not forget to also make yourself visible on poorly lit routes – and this is where a reflective vest or sash comes in handy for everyone’s safety.

More parenting hacks

IF you want to make your life easier as a first-time mum, here's nine hacks you won't want to miss.

1. Routine Charts

Create visual charts for daily routines. Use pictures and stickers to make them engaging for younger children.

2. Meal Planning

Plan meals a week in advance to save time and reduce stress. Involve your children in meal prep to teach them cooking skills.

3. Toy Rotation

Keep a portion of toys stored away and rotate them periodically. This keeps playtime fresh and exciting without the need for constant new purchases.

4. DIY Cleaning Solutions

Make child-safe cleaning solutions using vinegar and baking soda. It’s effective and keeps harsh chemicals away from little hands.

5. Time-Out Jar

Create a time-out jar filled with calming activities written on slips of paper. When emotions run high, children can pick an activity to help them settle down.

6. Educational Apps

Utilise educational apps and websites to make screen time productive. Look for ones that offer interactive learning in subjects your child is interested in.

7. Command Centre

Set up a family command centre with a calendar, key hooks, and a bulletin board. It helps keep everyone organised and aware of daily schedules.

8. Emergency Kit

Keep a small emergency kit in the car with essentials like snacks, water, first aid supplies, and a change of clothes. It’s a lifesaver for unexpected situations.

9. Label Everything

Use labels for clothes, school supplies, and lunch boxes. It makes it easier to keep track of belongings, especially in shared spaces like schools.

Reliable brakes

You must be able to brake your pushchair when needed. Kirsty advised to opt for a pram with practical brakes, recommending that you should best look for a model where both wheels lock.

Keep wheels clean and clear

The soggy weather conditions can quickly turn pram wheels into a muddy mess, making it a real struggle to steer your baby’s chariot.

To remove any wet mud, Kirsty said parents can use a hose or pressure washer, or a stiff brush with warm water and washing-up liquid to get rid of dry mud.

However, it’s not just the mud you have got to watch out for – the rock salt scattered on the roads and footpaths can also ruin your pushchair’s wheels with corrosion damage.

To tackle this, the parenting pro’s top tip is giving the wheels a regular scrub and spritzing them with a silicon-based spray to keep them spinning without a hitch.

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Inside Kate’s 43rd birthday – jewels from Wills, surprise from Pippa and a tradition loved by the late Queen 

PRINCESS Kate is celebrating her 43rd birthday today and is set to receive homemade gifts from her kids following her brutal last year.

Royal expert Ingrid Seward also predicted a surprise trip may be on the cards for Princess Kate from husband Prince William, following her finishing her chemotherapy treatment.

Catherine, Princess of Wales, at a Wimbledon trophy presentation.
Princess Kate is celebrating her 43rd birthday today[/caption]
Prince William and Kate Middleton at an event.
The Mega Agency
Royal expert Ingrid Seward said that Prince William is likely to buy Kate jewellery or take her on a special trip[/caption]

Kate will mark her special day in Windsor with hubby Prince William, 42, and their children George, 11, Charlotte, nine, and six-year-old Louis.

Ingrid told Fabulous: “The Middleton family love birthdays; that’s how Carol Middleton really made her money, by making special things for special occasions in her online business. 

“So birthdays are a huge thing, whereas in the royal family, birthdays are not a big thing at all.

“But I think, as William is very Middleton-influenced, I’m sure they will be having a big celebration. 

“I’m certain there will be a big celebration later on today when the kids get back from school. They had their first day at school yesterday.

“They’ll be back from school tonight, and I’m sure they’re going to have a lot of fun with their mummy and give her some lovely little homemade presents.

“That’s what all mums love, to have something really pretty, a painting and drawing, or something that they’ve made, and you end up keeping it for the rest of your life.

“The Queen had some little pops and things that Prince Charles made when he was at school, 70 years ago. She kept them.”

Not only did Princess Kate have preventative cancer treatment in 2024, she also had planned abdominal surgery last January – and stepped back from royal duties with her recovery.

Royal author Claudia Joseph even dubbed last year as Kate’s “annus horribilis” – a term used by the late Queen.

Now Kate is looking forward to going back to work and has conducted a number of official engagements including Trooping the Colour, Wimbledon – where she was given a standing ovation – and the Remembrance Day commemorations.

Ingrid, who is Editor-in-Chief of Majesty Magazine, said Prince William may have a special surprise in store for Kate this birthday.

She added: “I rather hope that William might take Kate away somewhere as soon as they’ve got the time to go, because I’m sure the poor girl needs a bit of a break.

“And hopefully, she’s well enough to be able to go. So I think that might be a birthday treat for her.”

She also predicted Prince William will buy Kate something sparkly and added: “I would have thought a wonderful piece of jewellery to say, ‘I love you. You’re so brave. You’ve come through this,’ something to really commemorate the last year, which was so difficult, and look forward to having a better year this year.”

Meghan message

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle holding hands at a summer party.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could send Kate a birthday message[/caption]

The royal expert also predicted that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who now live in a £12million mansion in California with Archie, five, and Lilibet, three, could be in touch.

She continued: “I think Harry and Meghan will definitely be in touch, but they may not be in touch by telephone. 

“They might just send an Instagram or a message. 

“I’m sure they are very anxious to get back in the royal fold and gain some of their popularity.”

Meghan has just relaunched her Instagram page, ahead of her new Netflix cooking show, With Love, Meghan airing this month.

Pippa party

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Pippa Middleton at Wimbledon.
Kate could celebrate with a dinner party with sister Pippa[/caption]

Meanwhile, Kate could have celebrations with her inner circle, including sister Pippa Middleton, who is mum to Arthur, five, Grace, three, and Rose, one.

Ingrid predicted: “I would think that it’s quite likely that Pippa, if she’s in this country, probably is because the kids are back at school, would be giving her a wonderful dinner party. 

“Maybe even the King is going to give her a dinner party at some stage. 

“He is so delighted with how Kate has coped this last year, and he’s obviously very close to her. 

“So I’m sure he would like to have some sort of celebration for her when the time is right. It may not be exactly on her birthday, but I’m sure he’ll do something.”

Ingrid advised that Prince William and Princess Kate will buy each other gifts and not rely on staff members.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their three children attending a Christmas service.
Kate stepped out with the royal family on Christmas Day in Sandringham[/caption]

She explained: “I think in William and Kate’s instance, they will choose the presents themselves, but it’s not exactly easy for them to go out to shop. 

“What happens is, the shop very often comes to them, and certain shops will bring things for William to look at. 

“At least that’s how other members of the royal family have done it. 

“Maybe William’s more modern, and he’ll just slip out, pull his cap down over his face, and hope that no one recognises him. 

“But I don’t think that’s going to happen. I would imagine that certain bits and pieces will be sent around for his approval.”

‘Memorable’ birthday

Prince Louis, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte waving from a balcony.
The Mega Agency
Kate is expected to celebrate with her family[/caption]

Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond spoke to OK! about Kate’s plans for her birthday.

“This birthday is going to be memorably in so many ways – it will mark the start of a new and hopefully happier year, and the end of one that has been brutal for the whole family,” she said.

“While some women might find the prospect of turning 43 a bit daunting, Catherine will, I am sure, be delighted that she is able to enjoy her birthday in comparatively good health, though of course she is still recovering.

“Every day must now be extra precious for the princess and every birthday a cause for grateful celebration.”

We last saw Kate on Christmas Day as she joined the royals for their annual church outing in Sandringham.

Prior to this, she hosted her annual Together at Christmas carol concert at Westminster Abbey in early December.

Timeline of Kate's health battle & recovery

JAN 16: Kate is admitted to the London Clinic for abdominal surgery

JAN 17: Kensington Palace announce the princess underwent abdominal surgery

JAN 18: William spends time at Kate’s bedside

JAN 23: The princess’ hospital stay passes one week

JAN 29: Kate leaves hospital

FEB 27: Prince William pulls out of service last-minute due to ‘personal matter’, sparking wave of unfounded conspiracy theories about Kate’s health

MAR 4: Princess pictured in the car with mum Carole on the Windsor estate

Mar 10: Royal posts a sweet snap of her and the kids for Mother’s Day – then fans started spotting flaws, and massive agencies put out ‘kill notice’ on photo

Mar 11: Kate admits she edited photo, and is snapped in car with William

Mar 16: Royal fans spot the Princess at farm shop near Windsor

Mar 17: Onlookers see Kate watching her youngsters playing sport

Mar 18: The Sun exclusively published video of Kate and Wills from two days prior

Mar 22: Kate bravely reveals in an emotional video that she was given a shock cancer diagnosis

April 29: Kate and William mark 13th anniversary releasing unseen wedding photos

June 8: Kate does not attend Colonel’s Review but pens letter to Irish Guards revealing: “I do hope that I am able to represent you all once again very soon”

June 15: Kate attends Trooping the Colour alongside her family

July 14: Kate attends the Wimbledon Men’s Final with Princess Charlotte

August 11: Kate and William release video congratulating Team GB after the Paris Olympics

August 25: Kate is seen heading to church

September 9: Kate shares moving video revealing she has finished chemotherapy

October 15: Kate shares hand written note during Baby Loss Awareness Week

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Comedian Russell Howard announces he’s QUIT television after 19 years – despite having hit BBC and Sky shows

RUSSELL Howard has announced he’s quitting television after 19 years on air despite having hit shows.

The comedian has revealed he’s sticking to his roots with live stand-up and turning his attention to podcasting.

Russell Howard in front of a news montage.
Russell Howard has revealed he’s quit television after 19 years
Russell Howard, Dara O'Briain, Hugh Dennis, and Andy Parsons on Mock the Week.
The funnyman came to prominence for his appearances on the now-axed Mock of the Week[/caption]

Russell, 44, made his final appearance on the small screen back in August during an appearance on Channel 4’s Big Fat Quiz of Telly.

Speaking about walking away from TV, Russell said: “I don’t do TV anymore, I just do stand-up and my podcast.”

The funnyman continued to tell the Have A Word podcast: “I had a pretty good run, I just prefer doing stand-up.

“I was all over the world and it was just fun.”

Russell said “there’s nothing else I’d rather do” than putting together an entire set and touring.

He added: “TV is fun but it’s not as fun. Writing a book I couldn’t do because I don’t want to sit and entertain myself but doing stand-up is what I love doing.

“It’s not entertainment for committee, it’s your dictatorship…

“The audience are like this brilliant jury that let you know through laughter whether it works or not.”

Russell fronted his Good News series for the BBC, which ran for 10 series between 2009 and 2015.

In 2017 he launched The Russell Howard Hour for Sky TV, which had six series and a Covid-themed spin-off filmed from his house.

Howard was also a series regular on the now-axed satirical panel show Mock of the Week with Dara Ó Briain.

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