A WOMAN was found “mummified” in her home more than three years after she was left to “fend for herself” by authorities, an inquest heard.
Laura Winham, 38, was discovered by her brother on May 23, 2021, when he visited the home in Woking, Surrey.

He was about to leave but went back for “one last look” through the letter box when he noticed what resembled a foot underneath a blanket.
Police broke down the door to find Laura in a “mummified” state, an inquest heard.
Surrey Coroner’s Court heard it was impossible to narrow down a time of death but a calendar in the flat had dates crossed off until November 1, 2017.
Laura’s devastated family believe she was “abandoned and left to die” by social and mental health services.
Coroner Karen Henderson ruled there were “lost opportunities” for multiple agencies in the run-up to her death.
These included Woking Borough Council and its former contractor, New Vision Homes, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and Surrey County Council’s adult social care team.
The court heard Laura had schizophrenia and believed her loved ones were trying to harm her.
Her family made the agonising decision in 2009 to stop seeing Laura to follow her wishes.
But they would often drive past her home to check her car was still there and they had social media contact until 2014.
Laura had told them: “It is best to have minimum/no contact. And communications with the family. It is totally out of my hands.
“There is nothing I can do. Everything I say will get repeated and relayed back. Be patient.”
Following a police referral in October 2017, the council’s adult social care team called and wrote to Laura offering advice about food banks but did not visit the property.
Her sister then contacted New Visions Homes two months before the discovery as they were concerned for Laura’s welfare.
An official went to the social housing flat but there was no answer, the inquest was told.
A statement from a former employee at New Vision Homes, which was the landlord contractor for WBC from 2015 to April 2022, said: “Ms Winham’s sister reached out on 31 March 2021 to ask if New Vision Homes had been in contact with her.
“Her family said a lot of post had gathered and they were concerned about her welfare.
“Woking Borough Council completed a door knock which received no answer. It was at the end of May that New Vision Homes were told she had been found dead.”
The statement added that it was “clear she was vulnerable” and that “she should have been flagged as vulnerable as this would have alerted New Vision Homes and WBC to her vulnerability”.
Laura’s gas had been turned off in January 2019 due to a contractor not being able to gain access to complete an annual check.
They had made several attempts to get in touch with Laura by phone and post regarding the scheduled December 2018 check-up with no response.
The court heard Laura been served an eviction notice in April 2014 after falling into rent arrears of £1,579.
A council housing officer intervened and helped Laura make a new housing benefit claim and encouraged her to see her GP.
Her rent arrears were subsequently paid by a third party and the eviction did not happen.
Tragic diary entries Laura had written in the months before she is believed to have died revealed she was struggling to get food.
One on September 28, 2017, read: “My mobile gave up on 7 September. I got a Tesco run in before it died.
“I have slept weeks away… I haven’t stocked any food for months because I don’t know what’s happening.”
Other extracts suggested she had been living off potatoes and cheese and had “about five pounds left on me”.
In October 2017, Laura wrote: “It has been a whole month since my last food shop. I cannot believe I have survived this long”.
She also scrawled “I’m starving” on her calendar on September 15, 2017, and told how she was “dreaming of food”.
A statement from the family said: “When Laura was referred to adult social care in October 2017, as the police raised concerns as to her having little food or money and being without a network of friends or family, all that happened was a letter that was sent and that was a huge opportunity missed to assess Laura’s health and to take action.
“Laura was clearly a person potentially at risk but she wasn’t deemed worthy of visiting. She was left to fend herself.
“Even her own diary entries illustrate she was unable to cope.
“Had adult social care visited Laura’s home within a few days of the referral in October 2017 then Laura would be alive.”
Dr Henderson described the team’s investigation as “perfunctory in almost every way”.
He also ruled that, had Woking Borough Council and New Vision Homes flagged Laura as vulnerable then it would have been evident she required further assistance.
But the coroner said it was not possible to conclude these “lost opportunities materially contributed” to Laura’s death.