A CRUEL mum filmed herself forcing her screaming 1-year-old son to stand barefoot in snow to “make him a Spartan”.
The TikToker mum, 33, is now facing a police probe for child abuse after the horrifying video was shared online last week from Bucharest, Romania.

The video shows the mum putting her distressed son’s feet in a tub filled with snow, before making him sit down as she rubs freezing snow all over his body.
The mum can be heard laughing while her child’s screams get louder.
The woman posted the video to her TikTok page and it quickly went viral online with social media users sharing their concerns.
One Facebook user, Miu Carmen, said: “Heartless, stupid people.
“You are doing him the greatest harm.
“He cries out to you to understand his pain and you laugh.
“God help him.
“May God take him away from you for the rest of his life.
“You are sick, you are not protecting your own child.”
Another, Ramona Ghenea added: “Good God!!! You people have no conscience! I can’t even watch!!”
The video quickly reached the General Directorate of Police of Bucharest (GDPB) who are now investigating the mum for possible child abuse.
The police said that the woman had “allegedly endangered the psycho-physical development of her one-year-old son”.
The police reassured that representatives of the social assistance and child protection centre in Sector 3 were informed and went to the premises of Police Station 13 to carry out the necessary checks.
It added that the investigation is being continued by Police Station 13 under the supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Sector 3 Court, in a statement from the GDPB.
The incident took place in a home in Bucharest, Romania.
The woman defended herself saying that she is a good mum, and deleted the video from her social media page.
The Sun has chosen not to include the names or faces of the woman or her child to protect the child’s identity.
The video has not been included as it showed distressing scenes.
Mums who share their parenting techniques online are often the target of internet trolls.
Megan McKenna sparked debate over weaning her four-and-a-half-month-old baby this week.
Some social media users slammed her choice to wean Landon off milk so early, while others backed her up and shared similar experiences.