A MAN has been found guilty of murdering mother-of-two Lisa Thompson in 2022.
The mother, 52, was found strangled and stabbed to death in her Dublin home.

Brian McHugh, with an address at Cairn Court, Poppintree, Ballymun in Dublin 11, had pleaded not guilty to the murder at Sandyhill Gardens, Ballymun in Dublin 11 on May 9, 2022.
A jury this afternoon took just over three hours to find him guilty.
A forensic scientist told the Central Criminal Court trial that a blood-stained window blind cord found wrapped around the deceased’s neck contained McHugh’s DNA.
The prosecution had argued that he could be seen on CCTV footage near Ms Thompson’s home on the night of the killing.
Evidence was heard that Ms Thompson – who was stabbed 11 times in the chest – was dealing prescription drugs from her home.