counter customizable free hit Sorry, but This ‘Love Is Blind’ Season Is Boring AF – Curefym

Sorry, but This ‘Love Is Blind’ Season Is Boring AF

OK, so Minneapolis isn’t exactly viewed as an exciting metropolitan hub. Aside from being the birthplace of the iconic Purple Rain creator, Prince, there doesn’t seem to be much happening in the Midwestern city besides snow and conservative perspectives. Love Is Blind premiered its Minneapolis season, right in time for Valentine’s Day, during one of the coldest months of the year and thus far, fans’ reception to the cast has been as cold as the weather. The biggest problem is there are no standout personalities in Minneapolis. Many of the selected singles read as carbon copies of one another, making it difficult to differentiate the singles. Even the perceived villains for the first six episodes don’t invoke the level of public rage that last season’s villains created. The villains on the reality series aren’t bad enough and the good guys just aren’t memorable enough to make binging on the series worthwhile.

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