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Rebecca Gayheart & Eric Dane Confuse Fans With Their Relationship Status After Latest Legal Decision

2025 has been the year of unexpected celebrity news, from celebrities welcoming babies on babies and couples we didn’t see coming. And now, in a truly shocking turn of events, one couple is seemingly getting back together, despite filing for divorce seven years ago. Yup, you guessed it, it’s Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane.

Per OK Magazine, Gayheart dismissed her 2018 divorce filing earlier this week, after previously filing due to irreconcilable differences. So, are they back together, or is this just a way to postpone their divorce? Well, we don’t know, and fans are seriously confused because Dane was linked to someone not too long ago.

Back in Nov 2024, Dane was seen getting cozy with 27-year-old star Priya Jain. In fact, they were even photographed by People, strolling around and with his arm around her. They still follow each other on Instagram as well, so fans are truly confused. Is he dating Jain still, or are he and Gayheart rekindling their romance, especially after they were seen getting cozy in Jan 2023 during a trip to Cabo?!

Only time will tell, but here’s what we do know: there are a few reasons as to why someone would dismiss their divorce filing. One of the most common reasons is that the couple has reconciled and doesn’t want to go through with the divorce. Per Spodek Law Group, another reason could be that they resolved their issues outside of court, or there were legal issues with the initial filing.

Rebecca Gayheart, Eric Dane at arrivals for 16th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball, Mandeville Canyon Estate, Los Angeles, CA June 3, 2017. Photo By: Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection
Rebecca Gayheart, Eric Dane

Before all of this madness, here’s what fans do know about Gayheart and Dane’s relationship. They got married in Las Vegas back in 2004 after ten months of dating. They welcomed two daughters together named Billie Beatrice, born in March 2010, and Georgia Geraldine, born in Dec 2011.

She later filed for divorce in 2018, but now we know, it’s been rescinded.

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