blog counter Watch moment car thief boy, 9, sneaks into uninsured £135k PORSCHE to go on daring joyride – but it doesn’t end well – Cure fym

Watch moment car thief boy, 9, sneaks into uninsured £135k PORSCHE to go on daring joyride – but it doesn’t end well

THIS is the nightmare moment a 9-year-old boy sneaks into his neighbour’s luxury car for a cheeky joyride – only for his stunt to end disastrously.

The £135,000 Porsche 911 was left unlocked, allowing the boy to get into the driver’s seat and hit reverse before he made a terrible error.

CCTV footage of a young boy crashing a Porsche into a wall.
Jam Press

Watch the shocking moment a 9-year-old boy reverses his neighbour’s luxury car into a wall[/caption]

CCTV footage of a child crashing a Porsche into a wall.
Jam Press

The Porsche 911 was left unlocked allowing the boy to get in for a joyride[/caption]

Damaged white Porsche crashed into a wall.
Not known, clear with picture desk

The cost of the damages is not yet clear[/caption]

The shocking footage was captured by CCTV in Itapema, in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, and shows two boys playing around the area before one wearing a blue shirt appears to get behind the wheel.

The child in the car then prepares to drive off for a few seconds, before the white car makes a quick dart backwards.

As it reverses quickly it veers to the boy’s right and then collides violently with the back wall of the parking area.

A few shards of the vehicle fly off when the back of the Porsche gets crumpled up, before the boy exits the vehicle in a hasty panic.

The boy then takes a look at the car’s rear in disbelief and horror.

He runs in one direction, before jolting back to his bike and cycling off.

The disaster took place on March 4, and images showed the vehicle which was badly damaged lodged against the wall.

Local media reported that the owner of the Porsche, the boy’s neighbour, had shown the child his car just days earlier, letting him see the inside of his luxury motor.

It was also reported that the owner had left the key in the car to make it easier for building staff to move it around if necessary.

It is not clear how much it will cost to repair the uninsured car, but the model is estimated to cost £134,700.

The boy’s dad, who has not been named, said he will take responsibility for the fees, according to reports.

CCTV footage of a young boy running away after crashing a Porsche into a wall.
Jam Press

The child was seen sprinting off to his bike to make a getaway[/caption]

CCTV footage of a boy on a bicycle fleeing the scene after crashing a Porsche into a wall.
Jam Press

The boy’s dad reportedly said he will cover all costs of the damages[/caption]

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