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How to get rid of a beer belly without giving up booze in 5 simple steps – and the 2 biggest mistakes people make 

NOTHING quite beats a pint in the sunshine. 

But do it too often and you can easily end up with a beer belly

A senior man sunbathing with a beer.

Beer is high in calories and when consumed frequently, can result in a round stomach[/caption]

The round, protruding and often hard stomach is common among frequent boozers across the UK.

It’s largely down to the calorific nature of the drink – we’re talking well over 200 calories in many of the most popular brands.

But that’s not all. Throw in a bag or two of crisps, followed by an end-of-the-night tray of chips and greasy fry-up the next morning, and you’re asking for some extra fat around your middle. 

Personal trainer Monty Simmons, from Move With Monty, tells Sun Health: “A beer belly basically means you’ve got too much fat around your abdomen – both visceral fat (around your organs) and subcutaneous fat (just under the skin). 

“It’s often linked to high-calorie, high-carb diets full of foods like pizza and drinks like beer, plus things like bloating if your body doesn’t handle certain ingredients, like gluten, well. 

“When you combine these factors, you can end up with a round middle.”

Not only can this make your clothes feel a little tight, it can also increase your risk of serious health problems.

“Aesthetics aside, the biggest issue with a beer belly is that the visceral fat around your organs raises your chances of developing conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes,” Monty (@movewithmonty) says.

“If you don’t address it with a balanced diet and consistent exercise, you’re risking serious cardiovascular problems down the line.”

Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as doing a few sit-ups and increasing your kale intake. 

“Spot reduction isn’t a thing – you can’t just tell your body, ‘Burn the fat only on my belly’,” the expert adds. “Instead, you need to reduce your overall body fat. 

“The good news is that when you lose weight in general, you’ll start getting the subcutaneous stuff off (the soft layer you can pinch) and the visceral stuff deeper inside.”

Here’s how Monty recommends you do it. 


START by getting an accurate baseline. 

“Weigh yourself or measure your waist with a tape measure, then do this every week, maybe three times a week, to stay dedicated,” Monty says.

“This will help you to see how your body’s shape is changing, and doing it multiple times a week will mean you have a moving average of the changes.

“It means that when you’re having a ‘heavy day’ or a ‘bloated day’, you get a better picture of the ups and downs over the week.

“As long as the average weigh-in or waist measurement number is coming down, your diet and exercise is on the right track.”


MANY people think that to lose weight, you need to spend hours and hours in the gym.

Of course, exercise is great and can certainly help you burn some serious calories.

But really, most of your beer belly-busting results will be made in the kitchen, according to Monty.

He says: “If I had to say, I’d say it’s 80 per cent diet, 20 per cent exercise when it comes to losing a beer belly. 

“It’s much easier to eat 300 extra calories than it is to burn them off – that’s why paying attention to what you’re putting in your mouth is so important. 

“That said, exercise isn’t optional if you want the best results. 

“You’ll boost your metabolism and maintain (or even build) muscle mass, which helps in the long run. 

“And when you get the body fat down enough, you might even see some abs at the end of the rainbow!”

The ‘biggest weight loss pitfalls’ and easy fixes

By Jenny Francis-Townson

WE’VE heard it all before. You want to lose weight, so you need to exercise more, cut out carbs and ditch the sugar, right?

Not necessarily. Weight loss could be so much easier, less hunger-inducing and actually involve more sleep, leading industry experts say.

Here, coaches and nutritionists share their ultimate pound-shedding hacks…

  • Eat a savoury breakfast instead of a sweet one to curb cravings later in the day.
  • Don’t cut out too many foods – or calories – so you don’t feel hungry all the time. Be sure to include a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.
  • Prioritise sleep, then exercise. While exercising is a great way to help you drop a few pounds and get healthy, sometimes sacrificing sleep can have the opposite effect.
  • Eat a big enough lunch and dinner that you don’t need to snack.
  • But if you do need a snack, only eat things you have made yourself.

You can read the full article here.


“HIGH-INTENSITY workouts like sprints, burpees, or circuit training can be super time-efficient, but they’re tough to keep up for a long session,” Monty says.  

“Alternatively, longer, moderate workouts – like a steady run, bike ride, or swim – plus some weight training is a tried-and-true combination. 

“It really depends on what you enjoy and can stick with – because consistency beats perfection every time.

“If I had to pick the five best exercises for getting rid of a beer belly, I’d recommend the following.”

1. High knees

Man jogging in place against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

High knees are a great calorie burner – ideal when you’re trying to lose weight[/caption]

Man doing leg raises against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

Bring your thigh up to around hip height[/caption]

RUN on the spot, driving one knee up at a time, aiming to bring your thighs up to pelvis level.

Keep your chest lifted and land softly with bent knees. 

Use your arms to drive momentum. 

2. Jumping jacks 

Man in athletic wear performing an exercise. / @_paul_madeley

Jumping jacks, or star jumps, are another great exercise[/caption]

Man performing a side stretch exercise. / @_paul_madeley

Be sure to stay light on your feet[/caption]

MOST people are familiar with this one.

Jump and widen your legs while lifting your arms up to make a star shape, then bring them back to your sides.

Maintain a tall spine, stay light on your feet, and follow a consistent rhythm – think “1,2,1,2.”

3. Squat kicks

Man performing a squat against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

Squat down, pushing your bottom back[/caption]

Man doing leg raises against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

Then as you rise up, lift your knee then kick out in front of you[/caption]

LOWER into a chair-like squat, lift one knee, then kick out in front of you.

Remember, bring your knee up and then kick. 

4. Pop squats 

Man performing a squat exercise against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

Squat down, reaching one hand towards the floor[/caption]

Man mid-jump against a blue background. / @_paul_madeley

Jump in the air, then squat back down and reach the other hand towards the floor[/caption]

WITH your legs slightly wider than shoulder width, jump in the air and land gently.

As you land, touch one hand to the floor. The next time you jump, touch the other. 

A half squat is fine. 

5. Mountain climbers

Man performing mountain climbers exercise. / @_paul_madeley

Finally, perform mountain climbers for another calorie burn[/caption]

Man performing a mountain climber exercise. / @_paul_madeley

Don’t let your front foot touch the floor when you drive it towards your arms[/caption]

IN a plank position, keep your body straight. 

Bring one knee toward your chest (without placing the foot down) as if you’re jogging on the spot. 

Don’t let your front foot touch the floor. 


REMEMBER that everybody is different – and it’s a marathon not a sprint. 

Monty says: “One major slip-up is cutting your calories too hard and too fast. 

“Sure, you’ll lose weight, but you’ll also risk losing muscle unintentionally. 

“Plus, you’ll feel tired, cranky, and more prone to quitting.”

But that’s not all. “You also can’t just focus on ab exercises,” Monty adds.

“If you have too much body fat, those abs won’t show until you get your weight low enough.”


SO now you know what to do in the gym or in your living room. But what about the kitchen? 

Monty recommends a whole-food approach.

“Think plenty of lean protein (chicken, fish, legumes), healthy fats (avocados, nuts), and complex carbs (whole grains),” he says.

“My usual breakfast is a single slice of bread, half an avocado, two eggs, a sprinkle of chili flakes, and a pinch of salt.

“If I’m on the go in the morning, I might grab a Huel Black shake because it’s convenient for when I’m training clients in the mornings, and it’s high in protein and relatively low in calories – great for having abs year round!”

Getting rid of a beer belly is all about losing overall body fat, which means balancing a nutritious diet with regular exercise

Monty SimmonsPersonal trainer

Monty also recommends limiting alcohol, sugary drinks and heavily-processed carbs – though thankfully you don’t have to ditch them completely. 

“It’s okay to enjoy them once in a while, but if you’re serious about getting the belly off, be realistic about how often you have a drinking sesh,” he says. 

A pint of beer contains around 240 calories, so sink five of those and you’ve had about half your recommended calorie intake for the entire day (2,000 for women, 2,500 for men). 


ONCE these principles are ingrained into your routine, you should start to see results. 

“Getting rid of a beer belly is all about losing overall body fat, which means balancing a nutritious diet with regular exercise,” Monty says.

“Exercise choices depend on your preference and current fitness level – just be sure to push yourself a bit to see progress. 

“Meanwhile, watch your food intake, keep your protein levels up, and track your weight and waist measurements with a dedicated mindset. 

“Remember, you’re doing this because you respect yourself too much to carry on as you are.

“With patience and consistency, you’ll gradually lose both the soft fat you can pinch and the hidden visceral fat that’s more dangerous.

“And along the way, you’ll reduce your risk of serious health issues, increase your energy levels, and feel much better fitting into your clothes. 

“Remember – it’s about finding a sustainable balance that works for you.”

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