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How to Farm Samples Easily in Helldivers 2

If you are a new Helldivers 2 player, you may have noticed that many players work extra hard to extract more samples on missions. The samples, which are used to upgrade Ship Modules, are of three types: Common, Rare, and Super. As expected, Rare and Super samples are a little challenging to find, but some of these tips will help you out in finding them quickly.

A still from Helldivers 2
Samples can be found scattered all over the map (Image via Arrowhead Game Studios)

Initially, there was a lot of toxicity among the community because of the samples. Many players have the misconception that the player who extracts with the samples gets all of them, but all squad members get those samples at the end of the mission. Helldivers 2 strongly promotes teamwork, so you don’t have to kill your teammates to get the samples they are carrying.

What are Samples in Helldivers 2, and where to find them?

A still from Helldivers 2
A diamond icon on the map will mark the place with samples (Image via Arrowhead Game Studios)

The three types of samples, Common, Rare, and Super, are used to acquire Ship Modules. These Samples are capped at 500 for Common Samples, 250 for Rare Samples, and 100 for Super Samples. On the map, a place is marked by a diamond sign if it has valuable resources. Here is a quick guide explaining how players can identify and acquire different samples in Helldivers 2:

Common Samples

Common samples are the most abundantly available samples in the game, as they can be found on all 10 difficulty levels. On Terminid missions, players need to look for mushroom-like structures, which are often found near the base of their hives or around Spore Spewers. For Automaton missions, samples look like a box and can be found in their bases. On Illuminate missions, players must look for the Illuminate Cuboctahedron, which can often be found near ammo POIs in the city. Samples can also be found near Super Earth structures and Graves Minor POI.

Rare Samples

Rare samples can be found on Challenging difficulty or higher. Similar to Common samples, Rare samples are also found around minor POIs such as Pods, Containers, and Bunkers. Rare samples have the same appearance across all missions, irrespective of the faction that gamers are fighting against. These samples appear as Metallic Crystals, Bismuth, and Alien Flower, and are often found around objectives.

Super Samples

Super Samples, also known as Super Uranium, can only be found on Extreme difficulty or higher, so make sure that you have enough experience before starting your hunt for Super samples. These samples are not near any objectives or POIs as they are found only at a distinctive place called Super Sample Rock. Players will not have any problem locating this location as it can easily be spotted on the minimap.

How to extract successfully with Samples in Helldivers 2?

A still from Helldivers 2
Super samples can only be found at a particular location (Image via Arrowhead Game Studios)

Once you’ve collected enough samples throughout the mission, avoid dying at all costs, as you might end up dropping the samples deep into enemy territory. In case you have too many samples but also have many objectives to complete, you can always drop the samples (By holding X on PC or holding down on the D-pad on PS5) near the extraction point so you can recollect the samples later when you plan on leaving the planet.

If you are playing with a squad, the best method is to let one person carry all the samples. This way, the rest of the team can fight without worrying about dropping the samples. Don’t worry; in the end, everyone gets the samples, even if one person extracts with all the samples. A lot of new players are not aware of how sample extraction works in Helldivers 2, so don’t be that toxic teammate who tries to kill others to have all the samples.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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