THE niece of notorious rapist Joseph Hogan told The Irish Sun last night: “I wish he was dead.”
Survivor Sonya Stokes, 47, now living in Portlaoise, made the claim as she stood outside the Midlands Prison ahead of her uncle’s release from the high security jail.

Hogan — who also has convictions in the UK for sexual assault — is classified as homeless and will now be placed on the sex offenders register for life.
The monster is being released from prison after serving ten years of the 15-year sentence he received in 2015 for raping Sonya at a house in Limerick when she was just seven between December 1984 and December 1988.
Hogan, from Rose Court, Keyes Park in Limerick, was found guilty at the Central Criminal Court of three counts of rape, three counts of indecent assault and one count of attempted rape.
Since his conviction, the sicko, who abused another child in Limerick in 1973, has never shown any remorse for his horrific attack on Sonya or his other victims in the UK.
He also appealed his conviction in 2019 but lost his case at the High Court.
The mum-of-five — who has again urged other victims of Hogan to come forward — has waived her right to anonymity to reveal details of the paedo’s release back into the community.
She said: “This monster should have been in jail for the rest of his life for what he did to me and other innocent children. I honestly hope that he rots and dies a slow death because he’s the devil.
“He is sick, twisted and depraved because of what he did and has never shown any remorse.
“I wonder when he goes to sleep at night does he hear the sound of me crying when I was a child?
“I also wonder if he ever thinks about what he did to me and others?
“I knew this day would come and my fear is that he will target other children because a monster like him never changes.”
Sonya also wants the paedo to know how she is “no longer afraid” of him, adding: “I’m not a victim — I’m a survivor. I want him to know that I’m no longer the little crying girl who was afraid. I’m no longer afraid of his evil eyes.
“I may have been broken and betrayed — but he will never win.
“He should be behind bars for the rest of his life so children are safe.
“People should not be afraid to speak out. Don’t suffer in silence.”
She also added: “My parents Patricia and Willie went to their graves with broken hearts because of the hurt he caused.
“There were people who didn’t believe me at the time but I told the truth and the court believed me.
“The people who supported him should feel ashamed of themselves because of what he did to me and other children.”
Before his release, Sonya also wrote to the paedo in prison to remind him of the lives he had destroyed.
In the letter, seen by The Irish Sun, the survivor, who helps victims of sexual violence, described her attacker as “depraved and sick”.
It read: “You are nothing more than a dirty old paedophile — you stole my innocence.
“I pray for you to die and I fear for the public. I’ve cried a thousand tears but I’m still standing.
“I pray no child has to face you.
“I’m holding my head high and I can live without fear.
“Nobody is to blame for your actions only you.”
“This monster should have been in jail for the rest of his life for what he did to me and other innocent children. I honestly hope that he rots and dies a slow death because he’s the devil.”
Sonya Stokes
She also posted on social media about the pervert’s release as part of her efforts to warn parents of the dangers he poses to children.
Sonya added: “I had to do something because God knows where he could go.
“I had to let other parents know how dangerous this man is because I know he won’t have changed after ten years in prison.
“I am in Limerick all the time and I would hate to encounter him on one of my visits.
“As someone who was abused by this animal, I should be told where he is going to be living.”
At his sentence hearing, Mr Justice Paul Carney spoke of the “inherent gravity” of the crime.
Following his release, Hogan will be monitored by the Probation Services. He will also have to notify Gardai of his whereabouts.
Before he targeted Sonya, Hogan received a six-month sentence for the indecent assault of a girl in 1973.
Investigators also believe that he first targeted children when he was a teenager.
After serving his sentence in 1973, he then moved to the UK and was convicted of the indecent assault of a girl under the age of 14.
He then returned to Ireland where he continued to prey on children.
He was convicted of other indecent assaults in 1995 and 1998.
“I’m not a victim — I’m a survivor. I want him to know that I’m no longer the little crying girl who was afraid. I’m no longer afraid of his evil eyes.
Sonya Stokes
And he was jailed for 22 months in March 2013 for breaches of the Sex Offenders Act which banned him from living in houses with children in 2007 and 2009.
Sonya added: “I really feel the State in the UK and in Ireland should have done more to protect children when he was first convicted of those offences in the 1970s.
“He was convicted in 1973 and 1974 yet here he was just a decade later targeting me over a four-year period? I know there are other victims of his out there and I would encourage them not to suffer in silence — if they come forward justice will prevail.”
Sonya added: “I want to thank everyone who has supported me over the years and also everyone who has sent me messages recently.
“I have spoken out now because I have the strength and it’s about protecting our children.”