Playing Jett has now become a bittersweet feeling in Valorant. Jett’s solo combat abilities were some of the most effective in the game; she was a power-packed agent whose abilities were sufficient to take down enemies alone, especially in the lower elos where there is often less player coordination.

However, Riot felt that she was becoming too overpowered, and then they started nerfing her, taking away her edge by removing and tweaking one ability after another. Despite going through such a cathartic change, Jett has somehow still managed to find an important place among the most popular agents in the Valorant roster.
Valorant needs to treat Jett in a better way

Jett mains are not the happiest, at the moment, especially because a lot has been taken away from her. Jett used to be so powerful because of her double updrafts, three smokes, instant dash, and right-click ult that used to recharge after a successful kill.
Jett now has only two smokes; the dash needs to be activated first before you can use it, there is only one updraft, and the ultimate does not recharge after a kill.
Although it seems as if she might have become a broken agent after all that was taken away from her, she still seems to be a part of the meta; even pro players are often seen playing with Jett. This proves that no matter what happens to her, she will never truly lose her edge in Valorant.
It’s been 553 days since they nerfed Jett updraft.
byu/atomiscz_2072 inVALORANT
byu/atomiscz_2072 from discussion
byu/atomiscz_2072 from discussion
Currently, Jett’s smoke timing has also decreased from 4.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds, which might sound like a massive downgrade, but players have managed to find a workaround, as they always do. Despite the many nerfs, Jett has somehow stayed afloat and relevant. The recently released 10.04 patch has made things a little smoother for Killjoy
Waylay’s entry might impact Jett’s pick rate

Waylay, the newly added Thai agent, who is also a duelist, has some similar attributes to those of Jett and Phoenix. She is capable of escaping from compromising positions and taking early entries into sites. Her abilities, combined with Jett’s might be interesting to see.
Jett will always be a fan favorite, and there is nothing that can replace her. Many have come and tried and failed. There is, however, a chance that Waylay impacts Jett’s pick rate, but nothing can be said for sure at the moment.
Some players also feel that if Jett’s pickrate is not impacted by Waylay’s arrival, then she might be further nerfed, this seems like a highly unbelievable situation since there is very little she is left with now, and if Riot does not want a broken agent, it should stop messing with Jett for a while now. Do you think there is any scope for Jett to get more nerfed? Let us know in the comments below.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire