blog counter This Brittany Mahomes-Approved 2-In-1 Stroller Car Seat Hybrid Is Absolutely Brilliant – Cure fym

This Brittany Mahomes-Approved 2-In-1 Stroller Car Seat Hybrid Is Absolutely Brilliant

You need a lot of stuff to take care of a baby, and it’s nearly impossible to cut that number down. And so when we find a 2-in-1 product, we do a happy dance and send a big ol’ thank you to the brilliant baby gear brands and their manufacturers. These hybrids make shopping and building a baby registry easier, they usually take up less space (hallelujah!), and they are often nicer to your wallet and the planet. Because fewer products tend to mean fewer materials, which makes Mother Earth as happy as new mamas.

Brittany Mahomes must know this to be true because she has the Doona Infant Car Seat and Stroller for her kids. In 2023, the Mahomes family was enjoying an island vacation, and in an Instagram story, her then 2-year-old daughter Sterling Mahomes pushed her brother Bronze Mahomes in the Doona hybrid.

And that was far from the last time the co-owner of the Kansas City Current featured the genius product on her Instagram Story. Two years later, in March 2025, she shared a Boomerang at the gym where she is pushing her newborn baby Golden Mahomes in the beloved stroller. “My fav workout partner,” she wrote over the clip with a white heart emoji.

Brittany Mahomes-Approved 2-In-1 Stroller & Car Seat Hybrid Is Genius

Doona Infant Car Seat & Stroller Plus Base

The car seat and stroller combo isn’t your typical travel system. With this 2-in-1, you can go from a drive to a stroll in seconds.

If it’s time to hop in the car, just fold the legs and wheels up, and voila! You have a car seat that fits nicely into the included base (or an extra base for another vehicle). Reached your destination? Pull out the bucket, unfold the legs, and you’re ready for a walk.

The Doona Car Seat and Stroller is approved for infants weighing up to 35 pounds and has all the safety features you look for: a 5-point harness, a head support insert, an adjustable handlebar for when on a walk that also acts as an anti-rebound bar when going for a drive, and three layers of side impact protection. It has a removable, washable insert and has been approved for flying. Still not convinced? The hybrid also has more than 15 thousand (!!!) 5-star reviews on Amazon. “Best purchase ever. Period.”

A version of this article was published in 2023.

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