OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.
MAR 21 – APR 20
As Venus spins back in your sign, get ready to look back with wisdom, and forward with curiosity.
How much you can control your love-life, and other important relationships in your life, is up for review.
Some questions may be difficult, but the answers can be thrilling.
Clear-thinking Mercury also moves in with Aries, and ends a time of indecision, perhaps over cash or career.
APR 21 – MAY 21
Dreams you have set aside, of a very different pace or depth of love, are back – this time you can make some positive changes.
This is not a process to rush, take time to consider every option.
Social bonds, and social media, may give you a lot, but what are they taking?
This is the question planet Mercury raises.
The luck factor links you to a team of five.
MAY 22 – JUNE 21
Any buried suspicions that certain bonds don’t work as well as they could, or should, wake up with Venus’ retrograde, and you start to see your next steps.
Time alone, or reaching out to people who have always seemed so far away, can be part of this. Instead of seeing yourself through other people’s eyes, you can be your one true self.
This enhances passion, and attracts luck.
JUNE 22 – JULY 22
The courage to lead, and to leave out-dated feelings and facts behind, is strong in your chart.
You do know what you want, even if you try to deny it –now you can go all out to get it.
Mercury’s overview in your ambitions zone makes you bolder in what you say, and who you say it to.
Jupiter gold centres on a secret skill that’s ready to be shared.
JULY 23 – AUG 23
The last few years have taught you so much about love and life –the next 40 days, you’ll put this into action.
Any sense of being less than 100% invested in projects or people can go – but key focus should be your own satisfaction.
Loving yourself, exactly as you are, is the best lesson of all.
The next step in a delayed transformation can happen this week.
AUG 24 – SEPT 22
There may be some doubts due to Venus’ direction, but the new positive push of Mars and Jupiter can overcome these.
Believing only the best, of yourself and others, is your star power.
But you also bring a fresh take to deals and can keep discussions going.
You choose the right Virgo path, not the easiest one.
Moon intuition encourages acting on a hunch about an upcoming journey.
SEPT 23 – OCT 23
You are such a fair sign, who always sees both sides – but for the next few weeks your chart asks you to put yourself first, and seek outcomes that work for you.
Instead of feeling you have to make excuses, you explain situations so well, and win support.
Your career chart is a strong blend of planet energy and stamina, taking you through a long-time barrier.
Luck wears bright blue.
OCT 24 – NOV 22
Leaving your health last on a list of priorities is no longer an option, as your chart mix of unrest and logic shakes up routines.
You can take, or make, the time you need to focus on fitness, or better food choices.
And it feels like fun! Love-wise, a little more effort can lead to a lot more satisfaction.
Single? The One is already in your everyday life, now you start to notice.
NOV 23 – DEC 21
All the unique creativity deep inside comes out and transforms your daily life – you see that expecting more from everyone is a positive thing. And a time of feeling overwhelmed can end.
So many life-links, from friendship, to family, to work bonds, benefit from a deep dive into what works and what doesn’t.
Mercury helps you voice this, then make your changes, your way.
DEC 22 – JAN 20
Security must be more than skin-deep to satisfy your strong Capricorn needs.
In love terms, only offering what you know will be equally returned, has not always been easy – but your current chart supports this so well.
If you’re single, a flighty Gemini is tempting but a faithful Taurus could be a more rewarding love-target.
Property news may be unexpected, but you can make it work.
JAN 21 – FEB 18
You’re the zodiac champion of absolute honesty, yet there are areas of your life where you hesitate to tell the whole truth.
This week, as the love planet spins back, the words spill out, and this can start a process of repairing, or re-starting.
In contests of any kind, trust your first thoughts best – try not to over-think an answer.
Cash can link to sunshine pictures, or sunburst symbols.
FEB 19 – MAR 20
There’s retrograde upheaval in your chart as you question where to give your loyalty, and when to hold back.
Your heart and head are more in line than you think, so trust your instincts, even if they go against the flow.
Your love life may feel it’s going backwards, but there is an emotional gap to fill, and this can be the moment.
Look for a “B” name on an “A” List.