blog counter Bullying, woke TV shows like C4’s Go Back To Where You Came From brand working class Brits bigots over immigration fears – Cure fym

Bullying, woke TV shows like C4’s Go Back To Where You Came From brand working class Brits bigots over immigration fears

THE lax, open-door border policy of successive British governments has led to the biggest social revolution in our history.

As many as one in four people in the UK will be a migrant within a decade, according to a staggering report released this month.

Migrants arriving by boat are helped ashore by officers.

The UK’s immigration crisis has deepened in the last five years[/caption]

Overcrowded boat carrying migrants at sea.

Since 2018, more than 150,000 people have arrived in the UK on small boats[/caption]

Photo of six people standing on a beach, facing the camera.  They appear to be participants in a documentary about immigration.

Channel 4’s Go Back To Where You Came From has been widely-panned since it premiered[/caption]

But if you were hoping to see our gutless national broadcasters tackle such issues head on, one recent, brainless piece of TV programming shows why you should think again.

As the widely-panned Channel 4 series Go Back To Where You Came From proves, those running our television networks aren’t interested in what you think – they’re too busy telling you what you should be thinking instead.

In the face of unprecedented immigration numbers, the British people have proved remarkably tolerant, while harbouring understandable concerns over our national identity, social cohesion, security, living standards and our civic infrastructure.

Yet the ideological enthusiasts for high levels of border arrivals view any differing attitudes as largely the product of bigotry and prejudice. 

The task of the political class and its media allies is therefore to change voters’ opinions, rather than address their anxieties. 

With the right propaganda, woke officialdom seems to believe that the public can be persuaded to welcome even illegal migrants and the clients of the sickening, exploitative gangs that operate the trafficking racket across the English Channel.

The key to this process of “enlightenment” – which could be dubbed simply “brainwashing” – is to paint anyone coming to Britain as either as either a tortured, fearful victim of persecution or as a diligent potential asset to the workforce. 

That is the thinking behind shows like Go Back To Where You Came From, which aims to alter negative perceptions of migrants, particularly those who reach our shores by small boats. 

At the same time, the programme seeks to portray opponents of immigration as ignorant louts devoid of compassion or any understanding of our country’s real interests. 

There are six participants in the show: two supporters of immigration and four opponents. 

At the start, they are split into two groups of three. One group is taken to Mogadishu in Somalia, the other to Raqqa, in Syria, both areas that have experienced brutal conflict in recent years. 

From these two bases, the six of them embark on the journey to England, supposedly giving viewers at home an insight into “the perils and privations endured by real refugees”.

Three women and two men shopping at a market in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Stars of the show, Nathan, Mathilda and Jess in a market in Mogadishu, Somalia[/caption]

Despite all its woke intentions, the programme has been attacked by migrant charities and left-wing critics for its simplistic approach.  Some of those complaints are certainly valid.

There is something repellent about using persecution as a form of entertainment. One critic even dubbed the show “torture porn.”

Migrant crisis in numbers

  • More than 22,324 have crossed the Channel since Labour came to power in July.
  • There has been a 22 per cent increase in the number of illegal migrants since last year.
  • 50 migrants died making the crossing in 2024, the deadliest year so far.
  • As of February 10, 1,554 people had crossed the Channel since the start of 2025.
  • Since 2018, more than 150,000 people have arrived in the UK on small boats.
  • The highest figures were recorded in 2022 when a staggering 45,755 people crossed the channel.

Immigration is probably the biggest issue facing our country and it should be treated seriously, not as a form of pantomime.

Mind you, it is a bit rich of left-wingers to moan about the dangers of a simplistic stance on immigration. 

They are the ones who have made it almost impossible to debate this subject rationally with their shrieks of racism at every turn.

Similarly, while ignoring the dangers of Islamists that have come to Britain and Europe, they mock the opinions of the traditional working-class, holding them up for ridicule, abuse or condemnation. 

Supporters of an open-door policy wail about right-wing scaremongering on immigration, but as Channel 4 demonstrates, they are only too keen to indulge in emotional bullying

Masters of manipulation, they trade in feelings rather than facts. 

Their universal portrayal of illegal migrants as tragically vulnerable victims of oppression is absurd.

There is something repellent about using persecution as a form of entertainment

Leo McKinstry

In fact the vast majority of them are young men of military age who have enough money to pay the substantial sums demanded by the traffickers.

Nor are they fleeing persecution by the time they reach France and the Low Countries, all of which are advanced democracies. 

Left-wing pressure groups blather about creating “safe routes” across the English Channel but if such routes have restrictions, then how would they differ from the current immigration system?   

And if they don’t have restrictions, the term is just code for an anarchic free-for-all.  

The Channel 4 types always denounce any attempt to make a link between welfare and migration, but the truth is that levels of benefit dependency in migrant communities are completely unsustainable.

Like so much of the left’s spin on immigration, this programme is an exercise in deceit.  

In its sneers and distortions, it will probably end up achieving the very opposite of its objective.

A group of people sitting on the floor and talking.

Critics have slammed the show and called it ‘torture porn’[/caption]

Migrant families arriving on a beach after a sea crossing.

Figures have shown that less than a quarter of illegal immigrants come into Britain to work[/caption]

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